Markers can be very useful when editing your videos. At the basic level a marker marks a specific time on your time scale. You can add a marker in four ways by right clicking the desired position and choosing add marker by holding CTRL clicking the time scale and adding a marker by pressing the tilde key on the desired position, or by going to the mark menu markers add. You can drag a marker to another location. If you want to move to the next marker, just use the mark menu markers and go to next. By right clicking on the timescale, you can jump to a specific marker.
You also open the marker window in window markers. Here you can add delete or rename markers. Now here's the power of the markers. Let's say we have two markers start delete and and delete. Move the marker to the start, delete position and mark in point Then move the marker to the end, delete position and mark out point. Now you can rebuild delete the section between the markers.
You can also use markers to add chapter tracks to export the videos. Let's say we add three markers intro module one and module two. Now at export we have an option to add chapter track for markers. Now the names of the markers will be chapter tracks in the exported video.