Hi. If you want to add a flavor to your course or a membership site, one of the easiest ways to do that is to record the Skype interview. Besides giving your students material to learn from interviews provide other great benefits. Andrew Warner has created mixergy.com, a platform on which he invites proven entrepreneurs to teach his students how to build startups. The platform had an exponential growth from the start. Why?
Because each time Andrew didn't interview, he told his interviewee to share the interview with his list. Basically, Andrew accessed all of his interview his list and brought from there all the persons interested in startups on his own list by sharing an interview of you and the VIP john, to John's fans, all of those fans that want to know more about the subject of the interview, we'll join your course or take another action you've suggested During the interview, this is one of the key benefits to interviews. Another key benefit is a second perspective. in one of my previous courses on Udemy, I thought about different personalities and how they complement each other. An interview with a person that's different from you, that is the subject from another perspective will benefit your audience, especially the people that need different ways to tackle their issues. So let's start with the theory.