The timeline is split in several parts. At the bottom you have the total duration of the project. And on the top of the timeline, you have the timescale. On the timescale, you have markers, which I'll talk about in another video and the scrubber. The position of the scrubber dictates what is shown in the preview. You can move the scrubber around by dragging it or clicking on another point in the time scale.
If you click on a beginning, or on an ending of a clip, it snaps to that part. To turn off snapping Go to View and uncheck snapping. Below the time scale you have two tracks. Each track has one or more clips. On the left side of the track you have two track controllers, you can increase or decrease the size of the track by clicking on the arrows or by right clicking and choosing expand or shrink. You can also delete the track or move the track anywhere on the timeline.
By having one track above the other will display the tracks preview in front of the other tracks preview if you drag your cursor on a clip, a gear icon appears. Clicking on it will give you some additional options. On the bottom left you have the timeline magnification slider. Clicking on it zooms in or out of the timeline, pressing Ctrl D within the timeline to fit the timescale. clicking on View showed that bar will display nested clips. A nested clip is when you take multiple clips and merge them into one.
If you double click on a nested clip, the tab bar shows up and goes into the nested clip where you can edit the individual tracks. nested clips help declutter the timeline. The timeline can also be customized in the preferences timeline tab. The first item there changes the timescale view from second to times codes. You can also hide the Action menu overlay the gear button and show stereo audio waveform and do Before change the default durations of clips added to the timelines.