Hello, Hello, in this video and it's a short one, I'm going to show you some new video motion effects. Well, let's have a smiley and because I am from Transylvania, it will be a Dracula smiley. Alright, we have the Dracula smiley. And now we will move the direct last minute on the screen. So we are moving it on the upper left side of the screen. And we had the transition and then we're going to move him to the lower right section.
Okay, like this. And now let's see what are the new video motion effects. So we have, of course, we can set the duration. But this is obvious. So let's click on the effect and see what it does. First, there is a preview button.
So just click Preview. Oh nice. It's rings on the screen. Okay, let's try some thing goes gravity, huh? dud Dracula was fell due to gravity. Okay, and let's see Paul's Dracula policies.
Haha. I'm going to eat you. I'm going to teach you. Alright. I love spring. It's a fast Dracula.
Enjoy the new video motion effects.