Hello, welcome to learning bootstrap four video tutorials. In this tutorial I will teach you what is the bootstrap buttons how we can use the bootstrap buttons when making responsive websites. Let us know what is the bootstrap buttons. bootstrap buttons provide different styles of buttons in the bootstrap we can find different styles using for our websites. One is the stylish sample buttons. Second one is the outline buttons.
And third is the active and disable buttons. There are you can use active buttons and disable buttons. You can also use on outline buttons and sample installation buttons on your websites like these are established buttons, you can use primary sic secondary in for green, warning, danger dark light link you can use these are colors also depending on your website and Which color do you want to make your website also you can use the outline buttons, primary buttons, secondary buttons, success buttons, info buttons, warning buttons, color buttons, dark buttons, light buttons, also you have active and this enabled buttons. These are active buttons and these are this a bell buttons according to some you function may be use for your website. You can search a website's use, depending on your projects. Let's see you How are they working on websites.
We have come command the body we have already made styles buttons here starting in div class container, h2 button styles button type button. Then class btn basic close the button, the button type button Hello class button. Then btn btn btn primary close air is redefined the primary and close the button take are also button class we define the class btn and then btn secondary btn success btn btn info btn warning btn danger btn dark btn light btn link you also can use link there to save that and check it on website when Come here run, click on the run. You can say basic btn basic be used btn primary btn secondary btn success btn info btn warning btn danger btn dark between light btn link you can use that. Come on the project. The suppose use for all website this btn primary won't make all the btn primary btn primary let's take a You see our buttons.
Now in btn primary you can change color text in here or your button websites like education, jobs, content about news, save 30 iq, health, education jobs can take about news, danger. These are you can see these are also change now come on the Outline buttons. These are outline buttons. You also define the div in class container HTV has shown here, outline buttons, the button type button, then class btn btn outline, primary, here outline primary success we also success info, warning, danger dark light, light takes dark, seven checks, outline these these are outlined. But as core these are outlines, you can see you can change if want any text and any color depending on your project and websites. What kind of you want to use for buttons on your websites notes The states have button these are states of button, we use active like disables.
There's also defined class container button a state's button type button class btn btn you all remember one thinking button format, we use class btn and then btn primary btn any secondary which mean which one are using primary and primary active heavy use active active primary, this is active primary. And this is also class btn btn primary, disabled, disabled primary, there is btn btn primary disabled disabled link, we use that link and also we disabled that link on our websites. Let's check Save it this you can see active primary, disabled, disabled link disabled primary disabled link. You check on that. One thing in learn class, we using the class btn dot btn outline btn primary btn dis able and active. In this video tutorial you will learn about buttons, style buttons, outline buttons, active buttons and disabled buttons.
If you have any query related this tutorial, you can ask me questions I also provide you source code of this project. Thank you very much for watching our video.