Hello dear students Thank you Welcome for joining our boot to step four video tutorials. In this tutorial you will learn about the basic to intermediate level of bootstrap how we make responsive website according to your project and what we want to learn in this project. Here is in this video tutorial I will teach you what is the input farm there is input farm and Buta step control Buta steps support the following farm controls input text area checkbox radio and select in these five things we learn in this video. Totally what is the input? What is the text areas? What is the checkbox?
What is the radio button, what is the Select? Let's come on the projects. Let's run the project check. There is a way to learn and have fun Email Address password remember me and submit button. We start div class container h2 form as to close form action action page dot php that action will go to the PHP dot div class form. Group label for email, email label close input type email class form control ID, email placeholder enter you enter email address name email close div close div class form group label for password slash password level close input type password class form control ID password placeholder enter password name password they've closed LS div class farm checked Label class form checked label.
Input class form check type check name, remember, remember me label close the close button type submit class btn btn primary submit btn form closed of close. Let's save it and Come on run this. Check it here as you can enter your email address. Here is your password. Remember me You can enter it that submit on the button where you want to go. There is a you must read need to enter your email address and password.
Then you can submit and next what we'll learn in this tutorial There are also password which we have all done that one In password email, and here is a comment box where we use comic books, div class, form group. label for comment, comment, label close text area text area form control, five, row five, Id commit to exterior close Dev, close that save it and check that you already made that. Now it's comment area here you can write this is the boot for video learning videos. We do a Learning Series where you can learn about Buddha steps here. Can you define it? Come on the check form.
Here you can check div class form plus check label. From check label, input type check class form check input value option one, their label close div close class form check label forum check label, checkbox class form check input value option to label close or disabled label div class from check disabled label class from check label input type check box class form input type value disabled options. Save it and come check it. Here you can see option one, option two, option three These are three options you can select these are We also there is option which one you select. And last one is the selection, group selection, div class group or farm group, label for sale, select list there, you have options select 123 which one you want to select there is how we can use that one, select class form control ID sell option one, option two, option three, option four option four, selection close.
Now save it, check run and last one you can use here is 1234 which we three used now can increase that suppose you want to settle more For 5678 selected and you can choose which one you use according your project requirements. In this video what you will learn how to make username password and submit button commit area option radio button select a selects, selections how we can select any number from it how we use radio buttons and command area, check box and username password if you have any query related this Tutorial you can ask me and also I provide you link of source code of our projects. Thank you very much for joining our video course don't forget to give your feedbacks and suggestions. Thank you very much