Hello dear Thank you Welcome to our boo to step four video learning tutorial. In this tutorial you will learn how we can make responsive website using bootstrap four. In this lecture I will teach you how we can make our website and final steps step by step we are going to develop a website's responsive according the mobile size tablet and computer size you can design according to your requirements. There is a just an avocation and jumbo box and there is a take few columns, three columns, they show some contents on that website there is a logo of website. You can use logo of your website or you can use your page website name, there is a contrast the buttons, what kind of buttons you like depend on your requirements. Let's come on the projects what how, what we use here and how we use you already know the HTML We thought you HTML is starting and title had either title you can hear make your website title, what kind of titles suppose we make.
We do a learning's bootstrap step tutorial for big nuts. Fire magnets Let's save it. Jake. Come on, check it. How is work? It's far beginners.
Here's how you can change the title of your page and common navigation bar here we started nav, nav, nav bar nav expanded MD, big Texas nav dark. There we started big dark, depend you what you call it select a or can change success, dark warning info, etc to what color do you have like, which I taught you in color section here is we use dark background you can change it according to your projects and his class navbar brand. Brand mean that you use the icon of your page logo or name of your page. Here you can use button class navbar toggler type button data Tobler, Caps Lock Data target Where is going to be your target that one? Okay Epson class nav, nav bar toggler icon, these are targeted to your icon they will display it close that button there is class nav bar nav bar at Tom has defined that link, which is we use the button boo to step tutorial, education other button third, third one is the Help button depend on you what you keep your buttons name, there is no problem you can change it.
You can just change this, whatever you want to make that here. Suppose we write the computer tips command and the browser alerts checks, says computer tips you can change your teeth Then services here defined v services web designing CSS tutorial contact us about us. Just Li close, ul close div close, nav close which II have wrote about and and the nav bar here also we committed How can commit says these are not display on our websites, just we use that commit sites. Here we started in first that nobody started that not display committed, you can comment on your project here. And jumbo box start class div class, container, div class jumbo box. Here h1 we define here learn bootstrap tutorials, h1.
There we wrote one paragraph the definition about Buddha step here is Close div close and the jumbo box close. Let's check it what is the jumbo books and how which one is that how are these are called jumbo books. There you can see they're showing h1 at just that one is the one paragraph about it you can make it more or one depending on your requirements. Suppose we make it three paragraph just copy and paste I show you how. If you need more, you can see it but mostly to one. It is the best practice after that, just come on.
You can see it now Come on, on the tech side calm Here we take three columns on the body section, start div, container, div class row, div class column style background success. h5 we use for title software development. h5 close p class takes justifications. There are a text justification used for rearranging the test according to fixed size. If we not use takes justification maybe it's not work properly. Let's check if we remove it.
Just what? Come on on the size. you scan sees that the word text not justified not showing and proper way While we use text justification to make rearrangement, the proper way of text which display on your websites. Now save it, come check it, it's show properly and second one is that takes just a second is the second column web designing tutorials. Third, third one is web development tutorials. Here is also same thing we use just class column to style background, color success we use their success.
You can use depend on your, what kind of color use here is a paragraph, paragraph we use class text justify, justify we justify it according to because they just show proper way Close here a div, and close div. Close the URL close divs and column as there is column and let's come on the website. Check. And also we make it responsive our card there when you resize the browser, you can see there is not display. On the buttons. There is a show buttons, you can click on that the display buttons.
Which button you click, I haven't linked these buttons. You can can link it next. Upcoming lectures. You can resize it according if we make it full size. You can not find that in the display here. And if we make size and simile, you can do your edits according to your projects.
If you have any query related this topics and go to Step four, let ask me any question. I will, hoping you will be give me good feedback about projects. And if you have any query about it, let me ask thank you very much and waiting you're good response.