Hello there, welcome to Buddha step four video total results. In this tutorial you will learn about how we can make easy and fast work quick and mobile responsive website on your project. In this project you will learn how you can make your projects for two types popover and other components which I will teach you step by step in this lecture. Let's know a little bit about what is the tooltip tooltip component is similar pop up box that appears when the user moves the mouse pointer or in the element. It is the little pop up box which the ini you saw you see in the mobile websites and other websites. You click on the move on mouse on the computer that but They show some think on that.
That's called two steps how to create tooltips it is tooltip at the data. Toggle tooltip attribute to element use the title attribute to specify the text that should be displayed inside the tooltip. You can create tooltip add the data toggle tooltip attributes the element then can show and display on the to top tooltip under your website that's know what is the pole Pole? pole pole what is the component that is similar to the tooltip it is the similar to top it is the popup box that appears when the users click on the element. The difference is the it's the pope or gain content much more than content. It is the content, more content we tooltip you can contend cemal contents text the Harris can contain more text and more than tool tooltip how create the power of creating the power to add data toggle power attribute to eight element use the title attribute to specify the header text of the popover.
To use data contained article to specify the text that should be displayed inside the proper bodies. You can make it in the RT Butte element that used to specify header text and popover to use data contract attribute to specify text that should be displayed inside the proper body. What is the scrolls pay scrolls pay us to automatically update links on the navigation listed. Best scroll position. It is automatically up Data listed on the navigation is listed on your computers. Let's see on the course what happened.
These are functions tooltip you can see tooltip is that pour pour, when coolican poppers that display that and sections scroll SP you can select any session 123 command code of these projects tooltip tooltip here we define it in the body, div class container h3 tooltip examples closed tooltip a HR link data toggle tooltip data Hurry over, over, over me. Data close tech review display disk script documents dot ready function that data toggle tooltip close that tooltip close and close the script. This let's check, save on that and come on check it whenever they show that Hooray. If you can change whoring Welcome to x check which Welcome to now common Pope or what is the proper Bora we define hair color div class container These three power examples three refiled data toggle power here define the popover title popover header data toggle some contents inside the popover kochel popover data close a close div close here define a script as a function documents dot ready function close bracket start data toggle popover dot popover close bracket script close.
Let's save it save it and check run in calicut proper headers some countries inside the pope or redefine it. Now come on the third one is scrollbar. Here we define a style of the scrollbar body position relatives vacation bar bar. Top 20 books position fixed they've column eight DVD height 500 Excel style head. Head close the start body toggle is pay scroll data toggle my scroll data offset one div class container float div class row navigation column navigation column for ID my scroll and navigation navigation pole fixed column class navigation item class navigation link active section one. Next one class navigation item navigation or fault section two, section two here differently and now third one is third one is the class navigation atom class navigation link refers to section three section three, a close, and close sub class navigation items.
Drop down box drop down. A class navigation link drop down toggle data toggle. Drop down handful sections for drop down. div class drop down menu. Class drop down item here, section link one, a close link. A class drop down item there for section to link close.
They've closed edge close. I'll close is Vish define that class column nine, column eight div id section class big success. Here we define the success color. section one for the child to scroll the section to look at the navigation list and scroll, diff closer and here defined section tool. Class BG warning there will be defined a BGP bottlings class section two h1 h2 in different section to try to scroll the section and look navigations list vitesse scrolling div close, there is a third one. In third one Marty.
Here we define div id class, Section three, class background secondary h1, section three h one close here is write a one paragraph about that is scrolling and they've closed here. Here is the fourth one. div id section 41. or define it. Class BG danger section. h one section four One, h one close. There is a paragraph div close there.
And the last one is the div id section. Class BG info are defined in the Info section. For two h1 close tie they are defined. Paragraph disclose, disclose, disclose, disclose, behave hair and save it. Come on, check how is looking under our website, check in the section one, Section two, Section three, Section four link, Section four to link. Here you can see it how we scroll can work on your website.
Such a such kind of scroll you can make on your project depending on your requirement of websites. If you have any related we have learned in the what is the popover How can you use popover what is the tool tip how we use untold power and computer and lip and responsive robot responsive websites. And there is where we learn a scroll. How can you scroll the page and how we select installation, which kind of colors, whatever we use on our website. Thank you very much for watching and taking our videos. If you have any query related this tutorial, you can ask me.
Don't forget to give me your feedbacks. Thank you very much for taking this course.