Present Moment awareness. The present moment is where you will experience freedom from suffering. You can only feel free, peaceful, safe or happy now, this now moment is all that exists really, the things we dream of and even fear are nothing but a figment of the imagination. There is no future which we will experience then when we experience the fear, it will be now at that time for us. Thinking about the future can have positive or negative results. dreaming of a future experience of joy can make us feel better now.
But worrying about the possibility of a pain or fear in the future makes us experience that suffering now as well. The thing to understand about the future is that whenever you think about it, you experience whatever you expect the future to be. Now, if this Same with the past. There is no such thing as the past. Past means everything that happened previously. This means that it is not happening now and it never will, we can re experience the past by thinking about it though.
Just as with the future, this can be good or bad. If we remember times we have suffered, we relive that suffering. But if we remember positive memories of happiness, we get to relive that happiness now. The idea is to learn how to use your mind to purposefully remember memories or imagine future possibilities in a way that makes you feel good, not bad, then you can choose your thoughts now. Here's a process you can use to help yourself be in the present moment. Try this when you catch yourself or catch your thoughts going in a way that makes you feel bad The more you practice catching yourself and bringing your awareness to the now the easier it will get and the earlier you will be able to catch yourself.
The steps are next. One, stop. I even picture a stop sign and be aware of the present moment. to notice your body. Three, notice your breathing. Put your hand on your heart and feel it beating.
Four. Notice how your hands feel warm, tingling, five, feel the life in your whole body. Six. Notice the sounds around you. Listen. What do you hear?
Seven. Notice the space in the area that you're in. Look around. What do you see? Eight. Notice the light around you and where it's coming from.
Nine. Ask yourself, what is good with this moment? What is beautiful? What do you appreciate? Find something in that moment right now. After you have done all this.
What you have done is taking yourself out of that negative thought process. This one Because if you stop thinking and purposely focus your mind on the present moment, you stop resisting or worrying and you feel better doing this slows down your thinking. Now that you have control of your thoughts, you can ask yourself some questions. One, what would I prefer to think about instead, too, is there a different way I can look at this so that I can feel better about it. Be patient, it does take practice, you will not be good at this right away. Don't get frustrated.
I'm still practicing, it gets easier. So keep it up.