Hi, and welcome to the six productivity principle. Honestly, this one has the most profound effect in terms of increasing my personal productivity. And I believe this will be the case with you too. I'm talking about a morning routine. But what is the morning routine? Well, a morning routine is a set of specific activities you do every morning with the purpose of preparing yourself for the work day.
So preparation is the key word here. And probably you've heard the saying at least a million times, work smart and not hard. This is the essence of the principle because when you prepare, you will get more things done, you will be in a productive mode and condition. I know this may sound counterintuitive, but when you wake up in the morning, I suggest you don't get there. To work right away. In fact, my recommendation is to spend enough time to do your morning routine is duration might change over time, and it can be up to 90 minutes.
Depending on how many activities you want to include. I will share my morning routine, and don't feel obliged to copy it precisely get ideas and inspiration. Hopefully, you will be able to create a morning routine that works best for you, and charges you with energy so you can conquer the tasks and work activities that are on your daily agenda. As I'm teaching in my course on success habits, we humans have four types of energy, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. These energies deplete and our job is to recover the losses. A great book to read is the power of full engagement but The reason I'm sharing these with you is because I want you to make the connection between physical and mental energies and your morning routine.
Alright, let's get started. It's crucially important, you get enough sleep in the amount of hours needed varies from person to person, and many factors are involved. But generally, that's around seven to eight hours. during sleep, your brain repairs and consolidates all the information you've been learning during the day. I just want to say that you should forget about the motivational speakers saying I don't sleep because I don't want miss opportunities and things like that. Quite the opposite.
You need to sleep because in this way your brain will perform at its best and your productivity level will be high. So again, get enough sleep. Next, the very first thing I do when I wake up is to drink half full liter of gold fresh water. It has been proven that our bodies dehydrate while we sleep. That's why drinking water in the morning is so important. Your brain needs water to function optimally.
By the way, did you know that 75% of your brain is water. That's a nice fact to know, a lot more benefits here. But if you want to find them out, you use Google. This is not a biology course after all. Next, I do physical exercises, push ups and pull ups at home. And this really helped me wake up completely.
Again, I won't be able to tell how many pushups to do. The point I'm making is that physical activity improves concentration and memory capacity. If you have a treadmill, it would be great to do some running in the morning. Next, meditation and meditate 15 to 20 minutes in the morning, it frees my mind and Because they do it in the morning, I feel mentally prepared for the challenges throughout the day. At first it was really hard to meditate because I wasn't sure what I was doing. I want to give you a shortcut.
If you are beginner or never done meditation before, I advise you to do it with a guide initially. And when you become more experienced, then try on your own. The link between meditation in self awareness is very, very strong. Here is a spectacular website to start with headspace.com you can sign up for free and you will get 10 minute meditations for 10 days. That really helped me a lot. Next, I have breakfast.
You should never forget. Your brain needs energy to be strong. Many people skip breakfast or even lunch, then they have a big meal in the evening. Not only is this bad for your brain, but for your whole body. as well. And it's not just about eating junk food Wando your brain needs a balanced diet that contains plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit.
To provide your brain with steady supply of energy, you need to provide it with a type of sugar called glucose. And glucose comes from the carbohydrates you eat, and more specifically, complex carbohydrates such as cold grain breads, oatmeal, legumes, brown rice in wheat pasta etc. complex carbs take longer to the chest. That means they will release glucose slowly and steadily. complex carbs are also packed with fibers, vitamins and minerals. There are also simple carbs, but these are not so beneficial to your brain because they release their sugar quickly in will give your brain a boost of energy but not for long after that, The energy quickly goes down in you might feel less energized than before.
And finally, I do at least 30 minutes of reading. But here is the catch. I don't read for entertainment. I read primarily full learning in knowledge. Studies have shown that reading prevents stress in depression, reading enhances confidence, empathy in decision making. the bare minimum is two books per month.
The first one should be about your occupation, to help you become an expert and the second one for your mindset and success philosophy. All right, here is my morning routine In short, enough sleep, fresh water exercises, meditation, breakfast reading. I have noticed a significant improvement in my productivity concentration Focus. I highly recommend you create and start doing your own morning routine. I advise you to progress slowly. Don't try to do all morning activities that come to mind all at once, because you will get overwhelmed.
Start with baby steps. In this case, you can start with drinking one glass of fresh clean water when you wake up. And as days go by, you can add more activities to your morning routine. Stick to these activities and you will see and feel increase in your productivity and well being. Thank you for watching.