Hi and welcome. In this lecture we'll be talking about the third major productivity principle, regular progress assessment. At first glance, you might find it a bit odd. It means taking a pulse and contemplating on your work so far in your future steps. In this regard, it seems like a rather passive thing to do not really fitting our idea of productivity as a constantly active development. Nevertheless, it is quite a significant phase is it creates a sense of completeness of the whole productivity process.
In order to grasp it easier think of it is the feel good principle, in its essence, this is precisely what it is supposed to do. Make you feel good about your achievements. After all, personal productivity is above all things a state of mind you should be doing what you consider important, and it should bring you fulfillment and satisfaction. If you feel like a victim while trying to reach certain goals, you should reconsider your situation and synchronize it with your beliefs and values. An effective approach to this principle would be making periodical assessments of your results up to the current point. Depending on your workflow in job characteristics, you could set daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and even yearly assessments.
I would recommend a balanced method frequent, plus less frequent assessments. As an example for the first step, if you feel each day is too frequent, do a weekly assessment, but do not postpone it for a longer period than a fortnight. If you choose a weekly one, combine it with a monthly one, but if you opt for a bi weekly one, it would be better to combine it with The quarterly one, the frequent self evaluation would ideally be shorter, whereas the second type would take more time and psychological energy to complete. In both cases, you should ask yourself whether the period was successful for you, whether you did what you were capable of whether you invested your time appropriately. less frequent, longer assessments could involve a written conclusion about your progress. You'd be able to refer to these written conclusions at any given time in the future.
In order for it to be a useful in practical self evaluation, you should be realistic. There is no need to be humble and boasting we will not lead you in the desired direction either. value your achievements and don't be afraid to apply constructive criticism on yourself to one idea you could use is pampering yourself with those Little rewards to celebrate the accomplishments. Nothing fancy is required. It could be a simple cinema night, a walk to a rarely visited location you enjoy a little treat with friends, there are countless possibilities. Remember that the progress assessment principle is of high psychological significance.
And while applying it, don't forget to focus on your journey rather than your goals. Ask yourself, did you feel good during the time period you assess? Did the experiences enrich your view of life? Do you feel you're on the right path? If the answers are Yes, then you have correctly grasped the broad notion of productivity, which will inevitably lead you to success. All right, let's recap.
Number one, regular progress assessment is one of the major productivity principles. It means taking a poll In contemplating on your achievements, make periodical assessment of your work combined frequent in less frequent was, be realistic in your self evaluation. pamper yourself with little rewards to celebrate your progress. Thank you for watching