How to Raise Kundalini

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In this lesson you'll learn about understanding my experience the different paths to awakening Kundalini, Kundalini Yoga, the sad Tod Na Ma, mantra meditation for Kundalini awakening and signs of a Kundalini awakening. Quote, Kundalini only awakens when you're deeply relaxed and kind to yourself. Unquote. As we know, Kundalini starts as a serpent at the base of our spine. Then two serpents climb up through the two passages along the spinal cord, one on the left side called Ida, and one on the right side called Pingala. They both go up, and when they hit the third eye, it opens a door and we see the sire swara the thousand petal Lotus it is the journey of the mind from matter to cosmos.

But how do we get this ball rolling in the first place? For me, I took the long way around through years of counseling and intentional personal and spiritual development. And yet, when I really think about it, it actually happened quite literally overnight, or rather two consecutive nights. I've been practicing personal and spiritual development for over a decade, when suddenly, Kundalini pierced my third eye while I was asleep. Truth be told, I had never practiced Kundalini Yoga once in my life. I'd watched a couple of videos but it looked too weird.

So I just missed it. At the time, I wasn't meditating at all. And I hadn't practiced any style of yoga and months. You could say I was going through a wall. Thankfully, my spirit guides were sending me all kinds of science, trying to help me get back on my path, which led me to learning more about coding Deline, what it is, how it worked, what its purpose was and all that kind of jazz. You see, the wall was a result of me wandering off my path.

Then when I was guided back onto it, I came alive again. I also recall having a feeling I couldn't quite put my finger on. But now understanding it was my higher self telling me I needed to get back on track. So at this point, I was studying Kundalini, but hadn't put any of it into practice yet. As a Sagittarius, I have a need to know all the things. But I'm not always so great at the taking action part.

As a Virgo moon, I need everything to be extremely well thought out, organized and planned before I do anything. So I wasn't going to undertake a practice I didn't know absolutely everything about beforehand. I tried a couple of blue dress and mantras. The way in And discovers their toes. It wasn't actually trying to accomplish anything I was just learning. It was after a couple of weeks of intense research that I had my first dream, which I interpret as Kundalini had awakened and was rising.

Then the next night she pierced my third eye and I saw the cosmos, then I was the cosmos, and I remembered my true essence and my purpose. So, I am that. To say, quote, unquote, we are an aspect of consciousness experiencing itself is not something one can truly understand on an intellectual level. It has to be experienced, to be understood, to know to be awakened means you get to live from a place of absolute knowing. Quote, the best way is to sit, to breathe and to learn the technique of lifting up the Kundalini yourself. open yourself up to grace coming from above.

And quote, before I move on, it's important that we examine what happened to me so that you might understand your potential journey. Some say that in order for Kundalini to awaken, the person first needs to be in a not so great headspace. For example, most of the spontaneous Kundalini awakening stories I've heard and read about happened when the person was going through a quote unquote, dark night of the soul. Quote, the key to activating Kundalini is we have to have energy, we have to relax. We have to visualize sense and feel this energy, and then we have to surrender to it. In quote.

Some say all you need is to intend for Kundalini to awaken and surrender through meditation, while others say action is required. Through pranayamas, mudras, mantras and Koreas and of course there's the use of psychedelics. One particular voice that personally stands out to me is Christina Lopez who said, quote, Kundalini awakenings occur at the command of your soul and your higher self. And quote, The belief here is that no amount of conscious intention, meditation, breathwork mudras, mantras or Koreas will force Kundalini to awaken your state of mind and mental health also don't seem to be a factor. Whether Kundalini awakens or not, has to do with your destiny and your purpose, as does when it occurs, if it does at all, so let's take a look at some of the points in my story. One, I've had spiritual practice of some sort since I was about 12 or 13 years old, but had never practiced Kundalini to I was going through a wall for quite some time, it still felt a pull towards spirituality, and was receiving signs and guidance to get back on my spiritual path for my spirit guides.

Three, I began studying Kundalini and had a desire to experience and awakening, but hadn't taken any action towards actually doing it. And for when it happened, I was asleep. Personally, I see a mixed bag here. Clearly, living a spiritual path is part of my destiny. Even before I consciously chose spirituality, I felt inside me like a pole I didn't understand. And anytime I've wandered away from it, I felt disconnected and depressed, and have always been pulled back in somehow.

So does this mean I was destined to have a Kundalini awakening, no matter the circumstances. On the other hand, I was studying Kundalini at the time and had a desire to awaken. So is that why I awakened when I do Did simply because I intended it. Or was it because I was relaxed and asleep? And in a state of surrender, I had been casually practicing different Pon yamas, mantras, mudras and Koreas here and there. So did that trigger my awakening?

To be honest, I think it was all of the above. With that said, I don't believe that how or why Kundalini awakens is a one size fits all type of deal. There's quite likely others out there with similar experiences as mine. But that doesn't mean my experiences cookie cutter for a Kundalini awakening. For some it's destiny. For others, it's a choice.

And sometimes it's both. Quote, Kundalini energy really is about your full blossoming. I like to refer to Kundalini energy as the soul's goals that are encoded with You. So your potential slash purpose is already encoded in you. So our work really is to get out of our own way. So this is the entire journey, no matter how you try to approach it.

This is the end goal to raise your Kundalini energy to step into your potential to become the person that you intended to be. In quote, there are many paths to awaken Kundalini, such as Kundalini Yoga, raise Kundalini with a guru, psychedelics, Bhakti devotion slash dance, rhythm, slash breath, slash movement, fasting Kriya, yoga, Sri Vidya Sahaja, yoga, and Kashmir shaivism. As you can see from the list, there are a plethora of ways to intentionally raise Kundalini. The past we'll be focusing on though is Kundalini Yoga. Quote, the object of layup or Kundalini Yoga is the same as that of every other form of Indian yoga, to unite the soul with God, in the seven schools of India, and among the students in the West, all who understand a right are aiming at the highest goal of human endeavor, at the Liberty which is higher than liberation, because it includes not only union with God in the higher realms, beyond earthly manifestation, but also those powers on each plane, which make the man and Kyrie purusha, an office bearer or worker in the service of the Divine, in the work of lifting the toiling millions of humanity towards the glory and happiness, which awaits us all.

In quote. In its early creation, Kundalini was a study of the science of energy and spiritual philosophy. Kundalini Yoga is an ancient practice that helps you take in energy at the Mooladhara and move prana up through the naughties and chakras in the subtle body and out through the Cyrus aura to reach enlightenment. It does this through the use of pranayama meditation, mantras mudras and Korea's pranayama is a practice of breath control. Every meditation in Korea has a specific breath and posture to help generate or release specific energy. One of the most common pranayama practices and Kundalini Yoga is Breath of Fire.

As mentioned in the Mooladhara lesson, this is practiced by rapid, forceful exhalations together with pulsations of the abdomen muscles. This technique forces prana into Mooladhara chakra to produce enough heat to force Kundalini upwards. mantras and chants are sounds that vibrate at a specific frequency. They signal a chemical reaction in the brain and body, elevating your mood to higher vibrations. You don't always have to be sitting in meditation to use mantras. For example, I have social anxiety, and will often use mantras when I'm out in public to self regulate and stave off an anxiety attack.

As we covered earlier in this course, Rudra has our hand positions that facilitate the flow of energy in the subtle body. The most common mudra and Kundalini Yoga is the guy in mudra that uses the thumb in index fingers to stimulate knowledge slash wisdom. In order to accomplish this mudra. Press your thumb and index finger together. This activates the points of the finger similarily The thumb and middle finger stimulate focus. The thumb and ring finger stimulate energy in the thumb and pinky finger stimulate connection.

Kriya means action. When you put postures, breath and sound all together, you have a Korea a specific set of actions that work towards a specific outcome. Korea's work on your mind, body and spirit for a happy, healthy Awakened Life. The meditations and Kundalini Yoga, or practice at specific length of time to achieve different results ranging from three minutes 11 minutes and 31 minutes. One of the most popular Kundalini Yoga meditations for awakening is the SATA nama mantra meditation. This is the one I was practicing around the time of my awakening and is one of my favorite men.

This is a 31 minute meditation that uses the power of mantras mudras and mind. It activates the aashna and Cyrus wire chakras and that stimulates the pituitary and pineal glands. So Tod Na Ma means infinity, life, death and rebirth is considered one of the most important mantras for Kundalini Yoga meditations. This mantra helps you focus your mind and ultimately connects you to your highest and most true self. Personally, I love this practice because it fills me with a sense of joy and bliss. It's also been known to increase psychic abilities, clear bad karma and heal, balance and uplift the emotional body.

Quote, this is the profound teaching of Kundalini Shakti and Tantra to awaken yourself and to remember who you really are and every cell of you is a divine being that has forgotten that it is divine. In quote, how to do this, Tod Na Ma mantra meditation. One, sit in a chair or cross legged on the floor to elongate your spine and tuck your chin in slightly. Three, rests your wrist gently on your knees with your palms facing upward. For Close your eyes, but turn them upwards so that you're looking to the center of your forehead. Only hold it for as long as it's comfortable.

Feel free to release it whenever necessary. And continue with the meditation. reapplying it when you're ready and again for as long as it's comfortable. Five, as you say, saw Chris your index finger and thumb together while you visualize the sound or s entering to the top of your head. The sound are leaving through the center of the forehead. Six.

Next, stay top as you press your middle finger and thumb together while you visualize the sound or T. Entering the top of your head in the sound off, leaving through the center of your forehead. Seven, then say no. As you press your ring finger and thumb together while you visualize a sound or an entering to the top of the head and the sound off leaving to the center of the forehead. Eat. Lastly, say Ma, as you press your pinky finger and thumb together while you visualize a sound or an entering to the top of your head and the sound Ah, leaving the center of your forehead. Can you visualizing this flow of the mantra and keep making the finger movements?

As you chant the mantra, chant aloud for five minutes, then whisper for five minutes, chant mentally for 10 minutes. Then chant in a whisper again for five minutes, then aloud again for five minutes to end the meditation. sit silently and still for one minute. Please do keep in mind that this takes practice and is not guaranteed to awaken you immediately. It takes time to master. So be patient and kind with yourself as you practice this meditation.

Some signs that Kundalini is awakening are your life is noticeably transforming. You're aware that you are an energy being you feel well and are clear headed. Your psychic abilities are growing and you're able to act like an observer.

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