Engage your team. By now you've spent enough time with me to know something. I am passionate about people. I want to contribute. And I want to do it in a way that makes me and others really enjoying the moment. Engagement is all about this.
It's about employee satisfaction. Now, I'm also a businessman. And I know one thing, engagement drives performance. So it's really smart to focus on this, not only is going to make your work more pleasant, more enjoying, but also, you're gonna achieve results that would not be possible. Otherwise. Have you ever worked in a team where the relationships were not good, where the atmosphere was quite negative, and where people didn't trust each other?
How much did this team accomplish? Have you ever worked in a team where there was an incredible positive attitude of kindness Do with people were focused on quality and were highly passionate about what they wanted to achieve, even though they didn't know if it was really feasible. They just believed in it. How much did they achieve? I go for the second one. And this chapter, this video is about how you create this environment of a highly engaged team.
This has been used by organizations of 70,000 100,000 employees. And there is an entire Corporation called Gallup, who has developed this tool and as spread this around the world in all big companies, and even the small ones. I use it, I didn't change it. I use the model as it is. It's based on 12 questions. There's a book you can read, which is called first break all the rules.
It's been written by Gallup and they explain how they ended up going from 5000 questions to understand what drives a Exceptional outstanding engagement in incorporations. And they went down from 5000 to 12. Questions. So those are extremely powerful questions. I respect them. And I don't change a word of it.
I trust Gallup, that those questions are the right ones to ask. They may sound weird, like having a best friend at work. I follow the process. And that's not regular and typical for me Believe me, is because I believe in them. So I will let Gallup explain to you directly what those 12 questions are about. There's one thing I would like to say.
Make sure that you explain the meaning behind those questions to your team. It's highly critical because if you leave people the opportunity to interpret the meaning of the questions, their answers are not going to be helpful to create an engaged team. So watch the video on Gallup and you will understand those questions. Now. Before you do that. What I wanted to say is The purpose of those 12 questions is to have a team discussion is to open up the debate around the state, every direct report is in within your team.
And to really understand what actions you need to take as a team to improve the level of engagement of every individual. The score is less relevant. The discussion and the quality of the discussion is where the value lies. So really, really remember this, some managers rate themselves on Gallup, and their performance is related to the score. I respect that. The risk, of course is that they become focused on the actual number, where I think the value is really on the discussion.
I had amazing times with my team, I usually do the Gallup discussion. Outside of work, we go to hardware cafe. Once we went I remember for we went to You know, just out in the fields, and we had a discussion in an environment that allowed us to be open. It requires a lot of trust, and you've built trust. And you can do this for people to disclose what they really think about the company and how they feel in their job. So be prepared for an emotional discussion.
Because engagement is personal. And you will have to create an environment where people respect each other, and where they know they can express themselves freely. When you get there, the value you're going to get from a Gallup engagement discussion is tremendous. The last thing I want to say, make sure that you take action discussions are great only if you take action. It's like this course. I'm going to check on you because I want to make sure you convert your learnings into something pragmatic, tangible, that makes you move forward is exactly the same with Gallup.
So when you discuss with your team, what I would like you to do is record the responses If you do a rating from one to three or one to five for each question, that's fine, because you may want to be able to measure still a little bit. But what's most important is then to say, okay, as a team, what are we doing on question three? What are we doing on question 12. And you review this regularly. That's what we're going to talk about in quarter three, in chapter three, your quarterly review. So this is Gallup, this is the engagement survey.
And that's how I'm closing the chapter on running your team. It's all about the how it's all about the what, and it's all about creating a highly engaged team. You've got all the tools, all the techniques, and you know how to behave as a manager based on the situation and the individual. here real quick now, no more excuse. It's up to you to take action. You've taken action.
Well, let's review your results. Chapter Three.