Okay, in Microsoft Excel, we can create pivot tables. So we can do something like this. So to create a pivot table, we need to go for the pivot table button. So we can go into our far home. Qaeda common sense a task that we went to is we need to insert a pivot table, so we have a select, graph, click somewhere, I can click on this pivot table, then we can select a range. So I will select a range from maybe here to here.
A from here to here. I may want to select a heydo. So so this is a more common, common way of doing things. Then I insert and then I will create a pivot table in a new worksheet. So just select this table range. And then I create.
And we can just click OK. And we will have a pivot table here. So I can put something here. So filter sepal. And we can put here as a column, we can put here as a row. And we can also put a values, we can export a pivot table as we wish, or we can change something else. You can also put in species, maybe I put in a species at our column.
Then I can maybe I want to Changes to the values or maybe the filter. So, I will explain this why this means that if specie is a column, then the species Certosa, very cool site and virginica will be in the column here. Then if I say, petal n is in the row, so all the petal and row, column values will be here. So if I say we won, let's say I want the species to be in the colon I put in the column here, then I can remove this one. Then it will be more neater here. There I may just put in maybe sepal length here to calculate all that values.
So when we look into these, this table, so when Soto's is 3.6 then the row labels is one we can have something here like this. Okay, so we can export this our pivot table more, and then we can also filter. So let's say we filter here, and we have something like this setosa tree and Rose a boy. You see, petal land 1.1 grand totals tree. So you can use our pivot table in something like this.