In Microsoft Excel we can insert a people table or we can insert a pivot chart. So we can look for the pivot button table is a documentation of all these charts okay there we go into pivot chart and you can insert pie chart. So the range will be the same and in a new worksheet then for our pivot table we can put in something like this for column I see I wonder species, the LSA i want to i in petal learning values. Yeah, I want to enter petal in the future. Something like this. So, so Tosa, the sum of Petaluma v 73.2.
Very cool solder. Some of our lm A B 213 Virginie car, some of our pet lm A B 277, point six, I can filter by by Glenn also. And then we have p by truck here, important here. So this is how we can Insert, Pivot Table and pivot high end sub SL