So you know, you have to delete everything on the server that you don't need any folder or file that's there that's not needed for your website, and old files and folders will more likely have vulnerabilities. It's just good web housekeeping to keep your files and folders organized up on your server. Now one of the ways you can do this is to delete the activated plugins. So you go to Plugins here. Firstly, you've got to have them all updated. And in this case, they are all updated here is a Kismet all in one SEO pack, contact form seven feed burner feed Smith and Google XML sitemaps.
All these plugins are activated you can see because they have this light blue background, but here is one Hello Dolly, which comes with WordPress when you install it and that's always a good idea to do. This plugin, and to do that you just delete here in the WordPress plugins section. However, of course, you can also delete in an FTP program which I'll show you in another video. But here I'm going to click Delete. Okay. And there it goes.
So now, when you Next go to your plugins, you'll see that all of them have that light blue, they're all activated, and you can see they're all activated because they have that deactivate link there. And because they have that deactivate link, it means that they're activated. Therefore you need them, your site is working well with them. You will update them when they need updating. But this is what you want to see when you go to your plugins section in your WordPress back end, all updated, all activated, and none there that aren't being used. My name is Rob Kevin.
I'll see you in the next video.