Collegiate Athlete Financial and Life Skills Program: Investments and Creating Long-term Wealth (Module 7)

Explore this module which equips student athletes with the knowledge and skills to make informed investment decisions, protect themselves from fraud, and diversify their wealth for a secure financial future.

Collegiate Athlete Financial and Life Skills Program: Investments and Creating Long-term Wealth (Module 7)

Explore this module which equips student athletes with the knowledge and skills to make informed investment decisions, protect themselves from fraud, and diversify their wealth for a secure financial future.
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About the Class

Module Key Topic

Bad investment decisions contribute greatly to the financial problems of professional athletes. Unfortunately, athletes are an easy target for many shady financial predators, who promise them ‘sweet deals’ with huge returns in a short period of time. With so many ‘get rich quick’ schemes out there that try to sell the improbable dream, athletes need to have the knowledge that will help them make educated decisions for themselves, and control their emotional responses to risk and the market. In this module, we go through the process of getting prepared to invest and we pinpoint what to look for and what the risks are. We also look into the importance of investment diversification and we go over real estate investing. At the end of the module, we will present the ‘Being Investment Prepared’ Checklist which will inform student-athletes whether they are investment-ready or not. The module is divided into nine separate sessions with each session addressing a key area of the module’s theme.

Module Learning Objectives

  • The main reason why people invest is to see a return on their investment.
  • In preparing to invest, you have to devise a consistent plan, you should control your emotional responses to risk and the market, you should always strive to see the big picture and you need to be aware of the characteristics of fraudulent investment schemes so that you can protect yourself.
  • Every investment carries a certain amount of risk and reward. Risk can be managed only up to a certain extent and it cannot be eliminated.
  • Creating the right team of trusted, reputable, and established professionals is important to your financial success.
  • There are various investment options available that are suitable for different situations, depending on your long-term financial strategy and they include stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.
  • Diversification means that you put your money into several different types of investments that are unlikely to all move in the same direction.
  • Before investing make sure you are investment prepared. An investment preparation checklist gives you an indication as to whether you are ready to start investing.

Module Time Frame

Each session video runs an average of 7 to 8 minutes and students will need approximately another 10 minutes to complete the session exercises.

Materials given with purchase

  • Access to teaching videos for all sessions of the module.
  • Downloadable student workbook for all sessions of the module.

Session Completion

Each session will need to be completed to allow the student to go to the next one. Upon completion of the entire module, the student will receive a certificate of completion.


Sports Financial Literacy Academy


Sports Financial Literacy Academy

We are a group of experienced sports financial advisors and educators, committed to ensuring that sports professional athletes achieve financial freedom through full monetization of their passion for sports. Our team of experts possesses in-depth knowledge of both the sports and financial industries and has teaching and educational expertise.


There are no specific prerequisites for this course. It is open to all collegiate athletes who are eager to enhance their financial and life skills.

per year

What's Included

Language: English
Level: All levels
Skills: Smart Investing, Risk Management, Diversification Check, Investments, Business Finance
Age groups: 18-24 years
Certificate: On completion
Duration: The total duration of this program is approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes.
9 Videos
9 Documents
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