Okay, so we can also create a line chart. So we can create it using Santina IDs. So, GG plot data July Assa t salary as local variable y equal variable to brass giome line as static is color green as equal variable one y equal variable three plus labor Taekwondo for these two lighter steam light, so, I can do something like this. So, it's the same as the scatterplot if you realize E, so, Joe should be lie. Okay, so you come out here let Jim lie calorie and then a point I changed to lie. Okay, I come out here.
So you can use the health our autocomplete here. So I will put July July. So as I say, Are Here July and July labor's to tighter equal. I don't oppose cutter Okay, labor's to tighter equal ly interest team life. So let's check the core brass label title equals ketta either change the lie team team to like ah yeah team like in the PowerPoint slide okay and then we can press enter there it is you have to like a child so, so one eye chart and then a second light. So the red color one is our variable variable one and variable to the green color one is our variable one and variable three labels is a lie and then the team is like Okay, so this is how we can ply tie in.
These are our GG prop two and a half programming