Okay, okay. So, we can start the data using something like this data or the data is tree and then comma and then square bracket okay. So let's see data data should not be to be square bracket and should be order it should be all the and then comma so we are using something here or the LSA two data c s two although they say s two and then a comma So, we order the row here Okay, so, let me equations will be data my SS two so data s two and then this is the law. So, we ordered a row okay then I enter in our we well as resolved as to his order in excess via social be the sending ah Let me see, should I be sending order because here is netta tip after I scroll down we will see 0123 or the positive social be sending order.
So, we slaughter data as to the sending order so, we can go into the process in meta case Oh We can also store the data in s3 in the sending order using something that is decreasing equal to true. So you can so let's say here are all the data dollar sign s two, Toby can in a decreasing equal to true. So I create here okay so comma decreasing equal to true okay enter. So now we saw this as a descending order so the highest is 18 cha cha, lava and then we are these are decreasing order so we go down to one zero minus one to minus eight We can also slow by multiple variables. So the S three s two So, I can slow by some T and C order by two variable s and s two. So I can do something like this data as to data x or maybe aha image more center s and s two.
So let's see. Okay, so we slow by two variable attribute s and s two s and here is a string s two. So this is how we slot the data in. These are our programming Okay, so how we started a tie in our programming