Okay, we like to do is get the last four social security numbers out here. So I can do that using the right function. The text group right here is under, right. And what it's going to ask me is what text do I want to work with this case Celsius? And then how many characters from the right do I want to pull out for? maybe look at the last four characters.
8455 Is what I get here. copy this down. And we start to see a problem here. And that might be that sometimes you might have data that's not properly entered. In this case, there's an extra space here. So if I were to backspace that hit enter, you're gonna see that that popped up here.
Well, what if you have lots of data to do instead, you can use the trim function and the trim functions purpose is to remove extra spaces. And I can easily use the trim function and park it right here to the cell C to copy this down. And I know that all of these social security numbers here, these fake ones are going to have no spaces. So if I copy that, and then paste it, the values on top of the originals. Notice in column E, my social security numbers are going to come back to life right there and those are the correct ones that we see here. So often, you'll use the trim function to help you prepare the data cleaned up before you use any text character extractions, such as the right function.