Okay friends, so again we do a nice strong yogic breathing session. And in this case we try to bring a full awareness kind of through to the energies that are flowing through the body, right all these sensations, the electric signals to the nervous system and all the other forms of energy that you can feel flowing through the body. And learn to feel kind of the vibrations in every corner of your body tune in with that layer of the self. So again, if you feel any discomfort or something, take it easy, but otherwise, push a little bit Through with with the breeding and start to fully feel how you're opening everything up in between the rounds as we take a little break with the breath as we stopped breathing for some time, just feeling what is happening and tuning in to deeper and deeper layers of yourself.
Enjoy the wonderful practice. seat. Come comfortably with the spine nice and straight. Take a little moment. You center your awareness, calm your breathing. Just a couple of calm breaths two centuries.
So now we're going to do three ice rounds first round 15. Brits start off with an XLS x x. Backstreet Boys breads Fast Food deep inhalation, release halfway out, all the bread still is become aware of all the very subtle sensations flowing through the body. Learning to feel that you're more than just punishing though you're also energy there should be no feeling forcing to hold your breath is hold the breath and the breathing system still observe what is happening. Just observe is become aware all the very subtle sensations flowing through the body. Keep the awareness within whether you already started breathing or still holding your breath start flowing with your awareness. Opening the awareness and then adding all this is Asians all the feelings and energy and the flow letting everything happen.
Start to calming down to pray. Thank you Today we saw that we lose. We're gonna prepare for the second round. Second round 21 breaths, exhale. Keep going like this. Opening up more and more.
All the channels in the body fluid to feed it. to unblock with strong inbreds open last three breaths. deep inhalation immediately release halfway out. Hold for as long as you feel comfortable. Hello. I flew in an age that's your awareness.
Go deeper with it what can you feel the fire more subtle levels will be your being. Learning to feel every little detail now how does it actually expanding consciousness releasing the whole reading system, the whole body realizing that space within for as long as you're comfortable with whenever you want to breathe again you do that with full deep inhalation in holding it for 10 seconds. Then after, really slow down, calm down your breath slow down your breathing and prepare for the third round. Third round 30 breaths if you still feel okay exhale and start last three strong grids make use of the last few grids. Vast pool in a nation you really hope for as long as you can still missing the bread That's so many sensations, every level of your whole body tune into that. Then everything happened.
The greedy shadow, the energy system, nervous system. Loosen up your awareness go deeper within Check in with your awareness. Where's your awareness now bringing back very soft, calm, breathing. Breathing very slow, soft threats flowing in and out through the nose cavity santry awareness becoming timeless yes city just breathing loosening up