All right friends. So now we're going to really learn to work with the most subtle layers of the cell. We've opened up. Now the breathing system, we've opened up the energy system, the nervous system, we've connected with our breath. And now we're going to really use the breath like a doorway to go within to go within the subconscious to go within our deeper layers of the conscious self. Okay?
And then at that point, we can start to work on the root level of our being, we can start to kind of generate sensations also of oneness of thankfulness of inner richness. We can try sometimes very hard to think like, I'm going to be happy I'm going to be happy, but the layers underneath that we cannot really touch or not move by depth, only the the outer layers of the mind. But now we start to bring the awareness deeply within it recognize different parts of the self we accepted, let be and let go. And then we can start to bring feelings of contentment of acceptance of inner richness within the inner space. is good to understand that everything that is happening up here, we'll have a great effect on what is happening out there, but everything what's happening up here. greatly effects on how you experience the life around you.
Because with what you experienced this life right now, it all happens, how you are interpretating everything with your brain with your mind, okay? So if you want to make this a beautiful experience this life, then make with what you are experienced is life a beautiful thing. So with the mind, the brain, the awareness, the consciousness, really starting to harmonize in tune that in with the greater part, the greater self that you are part of