When you're dealing with pain in any of the joints in the body, one of the most important things to do is to focus on the muscles both above and below that area of the body. In this video, we're gonna focus on a stretch that stretches the gluteus muscles or the buttocks muscles. You want to start by sitting up straight, with your legs out straight in front of you. You can use the wall behind you to support your back if you would like to, but you don't have to. This can be just in the middle of the floor if you'd like. Start by taking one of your legs, crossing it over your body and hugging your knee towards your body.
If you can bring your leg as flat as possible against your torso, that's the position that you should be feeling the stretch the best. This stretch is great for either back pain or knee pain, or also hip pain. Though if it hurts you as you do it, refrain from doing this stretch. You want to try to hold this stretch for about 12 to 15 seconds each side and as you do it, make sure to breathe deep. Take some deep breaths. With each time you exhale, you can pull a little bit more on your leg towards you.
As always, be sure to switch sides and stretch both sides equally. With every stretch that you do. In between legs, you can shake out your legs a little bit to release some of the muscle tension. Again, hold this stretch For 12 to 15 seconds, and as you're holding it and pulling your leg towards yourself, feel the stretch and your gluteus muscles three or four deep breaths as you're stretching and you should be done each side