Stretching out the muscles in your legs is one of the most important parts of dealing with knee pain. your calf muscles or the backside of your shins can really cause tension in the back of your knees. If they're not long enough, it's not lengthen and stretched out enough. And so stretching out those muscles are very important to deal with different types of knee pain. In this video, we're going to show you one of the ways that you can stretch out your calf muscles. Start by sitting down on the floor with your legs stretched out in your back straight.
Put one foot on top of the other and you want your bottom foot need to be slightly bent. Your top foot however, should have your leg as straight as possible. Reach with your right hand if you're stretching out your right leg and pull backwards on your toes, holding the stretch for 12 to 15 seconds or three deep breaths. After you finished one side, you want to shake your legs out and switch sides. Left arm, left leg. You can use your other hand placed on the floor for support and for balance as you're stretching out your calf muscles.
If this is a little bit tough for you to do in that position, use a towel to help you stretch out your calf muscles. Again, slightly bend one of your knees and put your other leg straight on top of that other knee. pulled back close to your toes with the towel. If you need to, you can use the other hand for support on the floor, pulling the towel with one hand or pull the towel with both hands. Either way works. This stretch just like the others.
It's very important both to take deep breaths as you're stretching and to alternate legs, shaking out your legs in between sets. Stretch out each calf muscle three times, alternating legs in between each stretch and try to pull back a little bit more as you progress with each stretch.