Vital to your overall well being is a daily practice. This is going to give you your best posture, the best improvements, real tangible results is a daily practice. So, I would like to help you during important conversations and talks that you have to do or presentations in the workplace. But also, it's very important that you have a daily practice so that you're building on your results and gradually getting better and better and creating a permanent, good posture. So a strong posture and actually getting this into your muscle memory. So you don't just have good posture on the day that you're speaking, but you always have good posture and you increase your lung capacity.
And you I'd love to really help you reignite your passion for your health and overall well being and this is a great place. To start, here I am at the beautiful walk Milby just up the road from where I live in Orkney, standing nice and tall to start. And we're going to be pushing back with the elbows, working on balance here. Keeping the legs together and lots of hip movement. And then taking the feet apart to really work on opening out the chest, opening out the diaphragm, warming up the shoulders, to help with your posture and your breathing, helping to take any aches and pains out of the neck and the shoulders. So this is a really important one to stand tall for.
And breathe. big circles with the arms Now, going backwards and forwards full range of motion for the shoulders, and a nice boost of hormones. Just the right balance, striking and this time with the feet apart. tipping pelvis up, and now knees strikes. So lifting the knee, you can do this fast, or you can do this in slow motion. So please listen to your body if you don't want to go super fast, supercharged.
This one is a brilliant one for you. Slowly lifting the knee to the chest, taking the legs as wide as you're comfortable to go now, and taking the opposite hand to the opposite foot. So you're reaching the left hand to the outside of the right foot. And then twisting the spine twisting the back twisting the hips in the body. And when you reach for the foot, really open out the chest, gripping the inner ankles and pulling the top of the head towards the floor. Stretching up and this is an important one for the diaphragm leaning back.
As far as you're happy to go, even if this is just a little backbend. When you're doing this relax the back of Your neck. Relax your lower back and gently come up slowly do all of this slowly to begin with a squat stretch, making sure sure you feel the stretch in your inner thighs. And there you go. You should be nice and loose and limber.