Hello, guys, welcome to the 14th session of the SP dotnet VBA. In this session we will learn about the attribute routing. The first question arises that what is routing? routing is the how the our web API you mesh to our UI in x and ASP. NET Web API wasn't one uses the commissioner Bayes routing, which make it harder to support the certain URL patterns that are common for the RESTful API is we don't have a VBA to introduce the attribute routing, which allow us to change the route for the our method. For this we need to use the route attribute is we don't NET Web API to allow us to use both conventional based routing as well as the attribute routing.
Let's see by the example. I'm good new solution. I'm going to add the new model. Right click add new class. Employee Aditya Soto properties such as? D string meme as well as string department and create a new controller off VBA to empty controller with the name employee.
First of all we need to add the namespace to the our model using v 14 routing dot models. For this example, I'm going to use the static list of employee instead of the database. Static list of employee all employees equal call to a new list of employees and add the sub employer within the list. new employee ID equal to one name equal Cool, Mila department name equal to development I'm already copied here some dummy data I'm going to paste it after reading the list, I am going to create a map from which I am taking the ID as a parameter and the written the name of the employee. For this I need to create the one axon public string get employee and take the teacher ID as a parameter from which I am going to retrieve the employee object employee. I am equal to all employees dot star default He says that he.id equal equal the ID union the parameter and check whether the employees or not No.
Then going to return employee check em dot name. Otherwise going to return string dot empty. Let's check it. Booty. So listen let's copy the URL fish to the postman, select the get method Right, the API is less our controller name that is an employee. And let's take the one as ID.
You can see that it written the anila and that is the name of the employee which is present here. And now we need to create another matter from which we need to retrieve the name of the HR department instead of the employee name with written the name of the employee that is nilay. Now what if you want to return the department name instead of the name when the user write the last department, along with the ID. In that situation, we need to return the name of the Department for the employee with the ID one For this we need to create axon public train. Good department name with the parameter ID and same code will be used. Instead of returning the name.
I'm going to return the department name. Let's run it, switch to postman and send a request. You can see that it written the 404 status when we are pending the department along with the our ID. Now let's retrieve the employee name only. Recently the a 500 internal server error messages that the multiple external were found that met the request this error encounter because the multiple method in the controller that take the integer ID as a parameter and the written DSP. In that situation, yes, we don't and we will be confused.
To handle that says us and we need to specify the attribute routing. For that stop the solution. We need to use the route attribute and specify the path to the our country color that is API slash employee slash ID and use the route attribute along with the iOS seven weather also restrict the API slash employee slash s. Id slash s. department. Let's rebuild our solution. Switch to postman and click on the send button. You can see that it will return the name of the employee that is an ally and for returning the HR department, I'm going to write the concern that we are writing the router attribute and click on the SN, we can see that it returned the development.
Let's see it for the employee ID three which returned the testing and remove the department from the Ura which will return the employee name that is the preamp. In this example I am using the aesthetic list and returning the string as a return type for the both of method instead of the TTP request method. In the real life application, we are returning the TTP request message and using the database or the XML file instead of the static list in the VBA 2.0. If you open the VBA config file that present in the app underscore start folder, you can see the head it can then be a call to the method, map HTTP attribute route which will assemblies the attribute routing for Do VPA for attribute routing we need to use the route attribute and within the parentheses we need to specify the URL to the our x and for escaping the parameter we need to use the curly braces and write the parameter name within the bracket.
Thanks for watching. If you have any doubt, feel free to contact me