Hello guys, welcome to the 28th session on the as we know net of a VBA to in a previous lesson we created the custom controller selector method for words any APA by using the jQuery In this lesson we are going to modify that selector for the custom here. We already see how we can pass the header in the our request such as the accept and the authorization. We can also pass the our custom header and by using those header we can identify the version of the request. Let's switch to Visual Studio. Those three lines are used to determine the origin of a form the query string, instead of these now we are going to read through the order number from the headers. For this I am going to comment it and use the string variable name Haider.
Name equal to ex employee Watson and check that video out request dot Haider contains that hidden name. Then words a number equal to request dot, headers dot add two values of headers name, dot first or default. Let's see and run it Let's copy URL and switch to the a push is the URL specify the AB dot employ a header to specify ex employee was to consent you can see that it written the employer with the HR department name that is employed words into let's try to one and click on Send it written the employee version one. Let's remove and click on Send. By default it will return the awards in one because we are right it. problem with this method is that if we specify the overhead or multiple at a time like that introduce your fortune.
Not Found error however the employee version one exists let debug do a request for the debugger and click on the Send request strapping to the you can see that was a number is an hour one and after the statement it becomes the one comma one instead of the one because of the trust of the multiple header of the same name, it return the value by comma separated and the version become the one comma one. And in the below condition we are checking that the if there was an is one time controller name would be that and for two will be that but wasn't is not the one and two means it does not update the controller name and the default controller name is that the employee so it will try to find the employee controller. So it's entered the 404 error. To solve that error we need to write if version number dot contains a comma.
Then version number equal to what is the number dot substring from zero to words a number dot index off. Comma Let's switch though a pointer to the top. Raise the F 10 for step out. You can see that there was a number is a one comma one which was previously and now after that straightaway and it will become the one after Which one equation or one condition become a true and our controller name will be changed to the employee v1 which was present. Let's press Continue. You can see that it written the or wasn't one less modify to the year to our it will return the data for the version one.
Because we are returning the version from the index zero to the comma means the we are identifying the version from the first custom header. We just need to check the request dot header content we have a custom header name. If the content then we need to get the value and if the value contain the comma then we need to substring it Thanks for watching. Have a nice day.