Welcome to small fish channel. My name is Coach Lee honka delma. share with us some idea about sales. Alright, so when you run organization and the business, what is sales means to you? So why selling means to your mysteries is a very important expect in terms of any business that you are running. So you must be able to sell in order to generate the business income.
All right. So what is the definition of sales? Let's look into it. All right, Sally, in my definition is professionally helping other people to buy. You don't want to sell to someone you want to help people to make a buying decision. Right?
And you want to solve problem, people's problem for profit. And the more problem you solve, the more profit you make. All right, so there are a few type of salesperson out there. Number one is what we call the order taker meaning of this group salesperson we only sit there and wait for orders. So if no one come and ask them, they keep quiet, nothing happened. So it's a very passive type of salesperson.
Second type of person is a product pusher, meaning that this person only talk about the product and they only want to sell us something. Number three type is over Salah. Meaning that they will promise you anything just to get the seals, they will always promise you you can get to the mod. But in the end, whether they can deliver or not is a second story. But you want to be kind become the fourth person, meaning that is the problem solver. Your customer come to you with a problem with a challenge is your job to overcome and help them resolve the problem.
And by doing so you make the profit out from it. You are a problem solver. Alright, so let's look at some of the ideas that white people don't buy. Number one, we have two people who is out able to buy meaning that they have no money, or they have no authority, meaning that you have a good product, you come to sell me, but I don't have the budget to buy. All right, so you are targeting the wrong type of person, or you have a good product you can sell me, I don't have the authority to say to make the final decision. So you are selling to the wrong person.
Meaning when you meet this kind of target audience is totally wrong. Shift your target move on. The second type of people are what we call refuse to buy properly. They have they don't trust you. They no need for the product, no fee at all. No hurry.
So this type of customer is I don't buy from you not because I don't have the money. I am the authority person, but I don't trust you. So we need to overcome this. So people who are refused to buy is where you want to develop a sales process. Okay, number one Okay when you do sell selling There are six steps or sales process number one you need to prospect correctly you need to find the people who can afford and buy your product number two you need to generate enough leads for people to buy your product. Alright so as we shared before in the marketing session, you need to target the right type of person generate in not least number three is to make an appointment to see your customer.
I like to share some idea of the company appointments that thing don't don't make a phone call and call customer Are you free to meet next week? Because we do if you if you ask a question between yes and no, very likely you get a no so are smarter question. For example, if you'd like to meet up with a client next week, always call them ask Wednesday or Thursday 2pm be convenient for you. So you let them choose a or b Wednesday or Thursday. All right, so is a obz is a better, better, smarter question. Number four when you meet our customer, you need to come up with the business solution objective that why you want to meet the customer and what kind of solution you want to provide your customer number number 50. is close to sales.
When there's a lot of times salespeople make a very common mistake is the customer have no much objection, but they never ask for the sales. One way to ask for a sale in the US in the retail environment you can ask we like to pay cash or credit cards is a method of closing you in the b2b environment. You can ask your customer when you like your product to be delivered next week, Monday or Tuesday. So it's a matter of closing the seal as for the seals is very important. And lastly, after you have successfully satisfying your customer, do ask a customer or referral as your customer if you like my product and services. Do any one of your friends and family We'll also like my product and services.
Will you mind give me a referral? Let me call them out and ask for them. Always ask for a referral because this will help you easier. Your prospecting process. Alright, so here is a little bit information about how to become a better salesperson of your lychee. See you on the next video.
Thank you