Hi, welcome to small China. My name is Coach Lee calm today I'm gonna show you how are you going to improve your business revenue? Right in terms of improving business revenue, we need to have three different elements. Number one, you need to have the number of customer how many customers do you have currently? I mean, you can go back to your database and have a look how many customers do you have done? Number two is on average Li this customer on average daily by how many times from you in a month or in a year's time.
And lastly, and every time these customer come back and do business and purchase review, what are what are the average spending? So we need to have these three elements in order to improve your revenues, business revenue, the number of customer the number transaction and the average spending. So you may have a question How to like improve each of them. Okay, let's look at some of the example to improve number transaction All right, very commonly business like to implement loyalty card or membership club. So we have a few example over here okay, you may ask why I want to implement this to your customer. For example, if you own a Starbucks cup, what will you do when you need a coffee?
You will go back to Starbucks, right in a way that this is creating the sense of belonging between you and the customer. loyalty card can come in many ways or form some some business like to give like for example, you come to my shop, you shop five times, you get one time free, right? You can be a productive stopper or like shango I automatically touch up the product with the prepaid money when I need to spend I will go back to the same business. Right. So this is how you get people to come back to you very, very frequently. And Michelle, some others Here are some example how you able to create a number of transactions and also improve the average spending of your customer.
When we look at our case we'll see they have very brilliantly they bring gear and bow as a voucher. Okay for example if you receive such such an bow you can take the file back to SOC SOC and spend it so it's a very brilliant way that you can attract your customer come back from whatever gift that you are giving away. Okay number two, Saba also do similar thing by the tumbler if you purchase a Starbuck tumbler and because there are certain benefit out from the assembler for example, you when you go and back and purchase a coffee you get certain percentage of discount and on top of this sample is a walking advertisement for stava because you carry everywhere Okay, some of the examples that you can increase average spending, for example, how McDonald's does it by Donna use a very brilliant way they call it but the ninja maitri product into one three in one So with such instead of buying one Alpha Kappa, you decided to buy tree product in one Madonna position is a value meal so it's valuable to pay a little bit more but you get the maximum benefit.
And lastly not only that Donna only Mac only sells the tree in one but the marketing never stopped there. They always upsell you something so as you have purchased a value meal, they don't stop there they will ask you to whether you want to go lunch by wondering good or at certain thing in this example is how Burger King does it they have water in a gold rush you want to add change you have to reduce or add another combo. So this is how you encourage your customer to spend slightly a little bit more. And lastly, if you want to create something that people want to buy, you must always stand from a customer point of view to create the demand creation by by your very simple popular product in Malaysia called Milo Alright, so if you look at all these Milo products, the ingredients of those are very similar.
What they do is they are changing the packaging. So my no longer is a product that you you drink before you go to war or prefer go to school by changing some of the packaging, my loose fit into various environment. Morrow fit into sport environment therapy into office environment and also the environment. So this is how you could improve your sales revenue. First number one, you need to identify how many customer you have. Second, how do you encourage them to come back to do business with you a little bit more?
And thirdly, how do you upsell them a little bit more? All right. So this is my today's sharing about how to improve your sales revenue. Thank you very much and see you next time.