All right Welcome to another episode for small fish video my name is Coach Lee Khan. Today I'm gonna share with you brand right as you can see your brand is what people say about you. So, your brand branding is no longer what like the old days saying that we have a very large budget, we will invest on the branding every small advertising agency and whatnot, they will help us spread the brand brand has become very personal is what about your customer say about you? Right? So if you want to convey shot brand is equal to three things in in my definition, number one, what is your purpose? Number two, the people and lastly the culture.
So purpose is why you do something that you are doing, the people who are you doing with and number three culture and how are you going to do it. So let's go into each of them by a little bit detail when you To begin your business you need to ask yourself what is the purpose you are doing the things that you're doing and make this purpose your brand. Okay for example, just like Asia when he started tansley Tony Fernandez want to make everybody can fly. So the reason that he operate the airline is to make mention can fly not because you want to make money. So make the purpose as your brand. Number two, alright, brand experience is always about people.
The people are the people surrounding you, not only limited to customer, but also to this group of people can be from your supplier, people that you're supplying for that to you, the employee, the customer, and even though your neighbor VP surrounding you. So these people who are surrounding your brand will go ahead and talk about your brand and product to their friends and family. So you want a right message to be spread out from this Or people. So, if someone is not telling a group about you the toxic brand spread number three, you also want to make the culture your brand meaning their how you do something as a culture for for as example culture is how we do things around here to success. So, this involves the behavior, the belief and the value that your brand is representing. So, when people ask you what do your brand represent, okay, your brand could be represent happiness, fun, deliver while and whatnot.
So you need to identify the value of your brand and how you How are you going to spread around the information. And lastly, you do not want to produce a toxic culture because it gives you a toxic brand. For example, if a company stated their core value is to do open communication, but in the end, the company has a lot of quandary. scolding around that does not represent the open communication culture. So to create a brand that you want people to talk about brand equal to purpose, people and culture, hope you like it. See you next time.
Thank you very much