The next slide I'm going to show you I'm showing you pretty basic shapes. This one here is a little more complicated. First thing we want to do, again, is take our measurement, right if we throw our piece so that we have a true measurement, something like that looks good. I'm gonna I'm gonna throw in this off the hump, which I don't recommend but for demo purposes, it works well. And I'm going to throw this similar way to how we did the dome lid, just throw in a shallow fall. This handle is going to start to combine some other elements.
It's gonna have a pulled handle compared to a throne handle Which is going to start to introduce some very different feel different elements to it. But if you were to come in then and maybe have some cold handles on the side of your vessels, it creates a nice unity within the form. Making sure my RAM is nice, round as usual. Okay, we're getting close. Now for this, I'm actually going to do is take this outside edge here, bracing the underneath with my left hand and I'm simply gonna lay it over And that is looking just about perfect. Fit wise.
Stiffen up the sausage just for a second, please a little soft phone. stiffen it up just a little bit. There's Tim you're shaping process at this edge Double check our measurements just a tad more. Fine tuning my shape here in just a little bit. All right, pretty much there. Yeah, that's good.
Now at this point, you could cut this off, let it sit up a little bit and then come in and trim that bottom. shape is looking pretty good though and I think I'm gonna go ahead and just finish it off. So you can see the finishing process of this small detail line there. Have a small piece of clay. create our handle. It's gonna handle fit in there.
Something like that. Depending on how you want to connect it on the outside or on the inside, create a slightly different flow. Or maybe you want to give it a little more of a asymmetrical feel like that which that could be a lot of fun too, especially if I had some handles on the piece. Maybe like a one finger handle right there. slipping score into the surface of your See, there we go. That one has a very different feel than the other two, a little more sunken and a little more negative space within there.
Possibly even been a little bit taller to pronounce it but I think that's a pretty, pretty nice fill with fun lid. Okay, so then now for the next three lids, we're going to focus on throwing lids with the planche