Day 4 Video

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Hello and welcome to day four of the releasing of resistance challenge helping you get unstuck so you can go with the flow. So we are now halfway through. Hopefully you've been enjoying it so far, how have you been getting on with EFT? If you've been doing EFT, then what you might notice is that some kind of more sticky emotions come up for you. If you're feeling emotional when you do it, that's totally normal. Just keep tapping through those emotions.

Don't stop tapping, what the tapping is doing is bringing up the negative emotions so they can be released. So basically, what you're seeing is evidence that EFT is working. keep tapping, tap more if you can. Sometimes we need a few rounds of the same tapping to really shift the layers that are there because we really are like layers of an onion. You peel back one layer and you get to a deeper layer. We're just starting to clear the surface layer stuff up there.

And then we get to the deeper layers. So this can be challenging stuff, but it's so worth it in the end, I promise you it really really is. If you're finding resistance To tapping, then go and do the resistance to I think it's resistance to opportunities, tapping, that's in the day three worksheets and give that one a go because you're also resisting the opportunity to really open up and release this stuff, which is what this whole challenge is about. Okay? So de force focus is on physical decluttering decluttering, your physical space and there's lots of different examples in the worksheets about where you can start. Now your external environment is really just a reflection of your internal environment.

So what's going on around you have got a really cluttered desk Do you have, maybe you've got a really tidy, clean and uncluttered house, but you've got one room, say a spare room, a junk room or cupboard, or garriage, where everything is just shoved in there, out of sight out of mind, right? But it's not really because it's still clutter up here in our brains. So that's kind of a reflection of what you're doing to yourself. Maybe outside Everything looks polished and shiny, but there's this one filing cabinet in your brain where you are really resistant to go there because of what might come up for you. So just kind of do a bit of a reflection as to what is in your physical space and why and then really just start decluttering so you can start small with this if you have clutter everywhere do not feel like it's climbing Mount Everest, you can start with something really small start with your desk, start with a kitchen cupboard or a drawer and start with your laundry basket for example, and cleaning can be classed as decluttering as well but this is really about getting rid of the stuff that doesn't serve you.

This kind of includes gifts that you've been given that you're keeping out of obligation that you can't stand anything that's broken or ill fitting anything that you keep walking past in your house that drives you crazy thinking I've got to fix that or there's there's cobwebs in the corner of the rain now I haven't gotten around to D dusting yet. All of that kind of stuff just creates clutter in our brains and keeps us in a bit of resistance energy. So just do a bit of an audit of what's going on around you, and where you can start. And typically what happens is that you start with by decluttering, something small, and you start feeling a bit lighter. So you build the momentum and you just want to keep going. My top tip is to have a shot of espresso, stick on some awesome tunes or some inspirational podcast, something that will help drive you forward and motivate you to do that crappy job that you really don't want to do.

Sometimes, what you'll notice is how much lighter and freer you feel. So you actually it kind of motivates you to keep going. So these days, I don't really have to convince myself to declutter anymore because I know how good it's gonna feel afterwards. So give it a go today, get decluttering write down a list of places that you can start. You can do your car, you could do your handbag, places in your home, your marriage, your office space, and think of all the different places that you can declutter. Get your kids involved in this as well.

So with my stepson, I told him about the power of decluttering. Because what happens is the university abhors a vacuum. So when you're clinging on to stuff that you don't need or want and doesn't bring you joy, what you're essentially saying to the universe is, you're in a place of scarcity or lack, where you don't believe that if you get rid of that stuff, more good stuff will flow into your life. But if there's not a space for good stuff, to flow into your life, because you've you're surrounded by clutter, then the universe can't deliver to you more of the good stuff that you want. So I've been teaching my stepson we were about this and we get into his bedroom and declutter quite regularly. And we talk about all those toys that he loves, but he never uses that another kid who's less fortunate might absolutely love to use and we give it to charity, or we give it to someone that we know.

And he absolutely loves doing that. He went back to his mom's house and he ended up decluttering his bedroom there as well, which made my heart sing so so bring your kids involved in it, bring your kids into it as well. Bring your partner into it as well and just start decluttering bits and pieces. Don't make a mountain out of molehill. Just enjoy the process and do just commit to doing a little bit each day and see how that feels. Okay, so good luck with that job today, have a look at the worksheets and where you can start and enjoy the decluttering process.

I'll see you for day five

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