So WordPress is allowing you the ability to add functionality to your sites and create web pages in a very user friendly way. And you could add to that functionality with plugins and themes. Now the theme we're using is called 2016. It comes for free with WordPress. And it's not one of the most amazingly complicated themes with lots of bells and whistles. But even this theme allows us to add social profile links.
Now, I'm sure you're aware, you see on many websites, links to their social profiles that belong to this website. So their Facebook page, their Twitter, their Google Plus that sort of thing. And we can even do this in this theme. So if we go into the dashboard, appearance menus, you'd have noticed when we created the primary menu, the navigation bar in the header, that there was an option to add it to the social links menu location. So, what we're going to do is create a new menu with social links in it. And we're going to call this menu social.
We can call it anything you want. And we're going to add custom links. These other links are pages, posts, and even categories of blog posts. But of course, as we adding External links here, we need to put them in as custom links. So I'm going to paste in the Facebook there, paste in the Facebook page is much better than a personal profile Add to Menu. So we've done one pasting in the Twitter now, link text is Twitter and the URL is the link to the Twitter profile, YouTube channel and Google Plus.
Okay, there's the menu. We can drag and drop the Order as we wish. And we can give it the social links menu theme location, we're going to save that menu and refresh. And the social links theme location is actually down here on the bottom in the footer. So there is the Facebook link, the YouTube link, the Twitter link and the Google Plus link. So another example of how WordPress makes things easy for you.
Whatever you want to do within a website, if you've seen a lot of other people do it, it's likely that that is some sort of functionality that is provided either by WordPress, the core software, or by a theme or by a plug in. My name is Rob coven. We'll be coming on to further customization in the following videos.