Hello, this is Rob coven. Moving down the WordPress dashboard left hand sidebar links, I am going to go and tell you about users and tools now. So we'll start with users. And as you might imagine, this is you, when you install WordPress, you have to give a username and password and an email address. And that is what this is. Now I'm going to show you how to create a new user.
You can create as many as you want if you're setting up a site that you have lots of people adding to and editing, or you may just want one user, if it's your own site. However, it's always a good security precaution to add a new admin user and get rid of the one that you used when you installed WordPress. So we'll go up here add new or we could also go add new And we'll go for a hard to remember username and an email address, you can never choose an email address that is the same as any other users. They have to be unique email addresses, I usually get WordPress to make up the password there. And as you can see, it's quite a strong one. And I usually send the new user an email about their account.
Now the roles are subscriber contributor, author, editor administrator that goes in order of importance with a subscriber having the least privileges and the administrator being the most important person or people on the site who have the power to make all the changes. in between. There are other roles that have varying degrees of privileges, so you can add users and give them their role a cool But we're creating another administrator here. And we're going to add a new user. And what we're going to do now is log out as this user, login as this user and delete the old user. So we go up to the top right hand corner, and logout.
And now I'm going to get the new username and password and log in. So I'm logged in as the new user. You can see it says up here. Howdy, Rob coven didn't say that before, because I hadn't entered a first and last name. And it's always good idea to enter your first and last name of a user. And I'll show you why later.
So we'll go into users again, all users, and we're going to delete this one because this was the one that we use to create the WordPress install. When you do this, you've got two choices. If the user has created content, you can either delete that content Or keep it and attribute it to another user. In this case, there's only one other user. So we'll attribute it to that one. So there you go.
And of course, don't worry, I've shown you the username and password for this user. I will be performing this precaution again, only this time I won't video. So quickly, we'll go on to the next section tools because I've got very little to tell you about this section. I actually never used it. Of course, if you're moving a WordPress site, you can export it and import it to another location. When I move WordPress sites I use a different technique I copy the my SQL database and the files and that way.
The available Tools section doesn't have anything of importance as far as I'm concerned. Although the only time I do ever use this section is when a plugin has added a tool like the redirection plugin But that's all for this video. I hope you enjoyed that about the users and Tools section on the WordPress back end. I'll see you in the next video where I'll be talking about the settings