Okay, so what do we have round and round, up and down, back and forth. Those three will give us a mystery animal. Let's do a quick little cartoon or animation. Round and round, up and down, round and round, up and down. So this is actually going to be a drawing of something. But we're using it as an exercise in gaining confidence and freedom and you're drawing.
Round and round, up and down and then round and round. See if you can really carve that circle round and round this way round. Oh, we all have a direction that we stay away from wireless. Obviously mine is the This direction, whereas Well there we go. Oh, it's coming. It's a right brain left brain crossover.
Look at that it's common. Now back to this one. Still a little more confident there, this way, that way. Okay, who just get the exercise round around for the eyes. Rounded round around for the eyes, little finger drawing for the eyes. Because we're not using the dots.
We're only using round and round. Up and down, back and forth, up and down. Round and round, round and round. Let's do a back and forth here. We have to get a zigzag route around, up and down, back and forth zigzag, but I'm going to add a little character to my zigzag. I'm not just going to put a zigzag in.
I'm going to put a zigzag across the top like that. One big one over there, and one big one over there. So zig zag Over there, over there, then down round, round see the round if I continue that that would be round the Round, Round, Round Round, round, kind of a round zigzag, but it's still a zigzag and then pull it down like this, pull it down like this little zigzag there, little zigzag there, shade in the nose and leave a little white spot. The shading is basically a line on an angle. There we go. And shading is really using these lines you see.
So there we go. Quick little drawing up a dog using round around, up and down, back and forth, and zigzag. Now if I did it like this Using the same idea, this would just be a quick one here. See those lines that we've practiced, round and round, up and down, back and forth, zigzag, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, got caught. Get it done, practice it. And now you're doing drawing.
Now we are working with the round and round, up and down, back and forth, and the zigzag a hundreds of exercises to develop this. But let's just take the round and round and let's work oval into the equation. There's round and round. Now, the next to the oval Now the oval is very much like back and forth, except that it is rounded. Now you'll notice it looks pretty easy when I'm doing it. And I've created a sphere, a three dimensional shape.
Now, if I can slow this down for you, I want you to think that the front of the oval, the pencil comes down the back of the oval it lifts off. That's why that first exercise with all the pencil grip, round and rounds is so important. Now I can add the whole part of the oval or the ellipse, but usually if we're learning how to draw in 3d, part of it is in the front. And part of it is in the back. You don't see it in this case for this Exercise, I'd like you to draw some circles with ovals. And we'll practice a little exercise called atom ellipse, which is an oval this way 12 o'clock and six o'clock at three o'clock and nine o'clock.
So when you watch this, you can see that my the front part now I'm using a finger drawing. The front part is darkened, so that you can develop the ability of perspective, which means per spec todo, the Latin to see through. You need to draw in perspective to see through and I can guarantee you, I can guarantee you that you probably felt insecure in your drawing. When you reach the tender age. of three dimensional dry. Let me get rid of Fear for you right now and concentrate on this shape.
Let's suppose we're doing a tea cup or it seems like such a simple thing. There we go. The tea cup of course, is a circle around in round a sphere. So I put an ellipse through there, it does not look easy, but let me tell you, you have to practice these shapes. Over and over. First, round and round.
Practice that until you can master it. Then move to the ellipse. Practice ellipse in all different directions. Once you have Drawn these six lines, and all their variations, this is the round and round variation, then you can get to work on putting them all together to make things such as a teacup. And once you've done that, you'll start to get good at drawing, but you have to put in the time to doodle a bit like this and get quality in your lines, okay? And then you can do whatever you want with it.
But just to review this class, let's go over quickly. We learned round and round, up and down. Back Fourth, zigzag zigzag wiggle, dot, dot dot they were introduced, we concentrated on the round and round and the ellipse. Then we did the up and down exercises and the back and forth. We did a little dog with a zigzag. And then we practiced putting the round in rounds with ellipses through them.
You can try that ellipse, 12 o'clock, six o'clock, and 12 o'clock, three o'clock, one o'clock and then all through. Looks like an atom See? Very good.