Okay, so it's time to talk about what to do in each of the stages with your content. So it's time to get to action. So I'm going to cover each of the stages in three parts, topics, formats, and call to actions all within one video. So let's get started with this one. So the most important thing you need to know about awareness is that this is not the time to try and sell something. This is the time to educate and connect with your audience based on their problems and what's on their minds when it comes to the problem that you are an expert in.
So this early in their journey, your potential customers are just really going through a very specific problem and researching it and trying to learn about it. This early in the journey, they're just identifying their challenge. They have many questions about it, they likely haven't even named the problem itself. They just know the symptoms. It's kind of like when something hurts on your body and you don't really know what the disease or the thing that you might be having but you know the symptoms and You want to learn more about it and see what is potentially bothering you. your potential customers in the awareness age are trying to verbalize their problem.
They're looking for a trusted source of information and for education. Now, this is what you need to know when it comes to the topics that you want to talk about in awareness. I'm going to look at three separate industry examples, both in b2b and b2c so that he can get an idea of what it is that people might ask themselves this early. If you were a customer support software company, your potential customers might be googling or asking something like customer support industry benchmarks. If you were a mattress store, your potential customers might be asking something like what is my back hurt after sleeping? And if you were an electricity provider, your potential customer might be asking themselves something like what is the average electricity bill as you can see, based on these potential search queries and questions, your potential customers are really very much just dipping their toes into the categories that the entire industry is covering in into something where they're just getting started learning about it, but they want to learn about it deeply and thoroughly and from someone who they can trust.
So here at the very early stage, your potential customer wants to feel educated and confident, to be able to talk about their questions and their problems and concerns. When the time comes to go research further, what is it that they can solve it with? So right now, you're not selling, you're not even trying to push your brand as an option. You're just trying to answer common questions about the topics within the area that your industry and your business covers. This is about topics. Now when it comes to format.
Content that is really desired and this section is content that will guide your potential customers through the topic that matters. them and that they still don't know enough about. So this will be blog posts, videos, podcasts, episodes and even quizzes. Another category that you could consider here is social posts like social videos, or even like in depth Facebook posts or Instagram stories or something that will just kind of talk to them as if you were talking to them as a friend and just guiding them through a topic that matters to them and they want to learn more about and finally have call to actions. With call to actions here. You don't want to be pushing anything that is brand related, or anything about selling or even subscribing to anything that is very high investment timewise from the perspective of your potential customers, so right here you want to just keep driving traffic towards your resources without being too pushy.
So you want to send them to your other blog posts, maybe other videos you have something that is very related to the topic yet very low investment when it comes to To them sharing their personal information or them being them coming to you as a brand just yet, that's something that's going to come later in the journey. And you want to take them there naturally without pushing without coming off as annoying or coming coming across as someone who is just there to sell rather than connect with them and understand their challenges. Your action item for this video is to list 10 questions that someone could be asking themselves this early in the purchase journey when it comes to your specific industry and your business and the offers and products that you have. So look at the earlier mentioned examples with the customer support software, the mattress store and the electricity provider and you will come up with something that suits you and that you have found so far that people ask you and your salespeople and that comes up frequently in your interactions with your potential customers.