You are ready to create concise, clear, motivated decisions toward your success following the 3 steps in the A. C. T method. Follow along
the video course or download the A. C. T. accompanying workbook Get a journal or download the A.C. T. workbook and follow along In the A. C. T. Workbook: A. in A. C. T. is for increasing your Conscious about what you want to achieve in your life. Page 2 Section 1 on Awareness is to develop an achievable and believable goal Page 3- Only place the 10 rated goals Achievable and Believable Goals here Page 4 Section A-Awareness is to become aware of how your thoughts on the goal are helping or hurting with doubts and self-sabotage (old habits and the reason you haven't achieved the goal in the past). You must create thoughts that support the goal and practice keeping those thoughts focused on the goal until you achieve it. Or ask yourself; Will this thought get me to that goal? If not change the thought at the moment to one that will. C. in A.C. T. Page 5-is to Consciously about your goal from Section 1 of the A. C. T. Workbook page. 2, page 3, and page 4, with what you are feeling when you think about reaching the goal. Listen to what your emotions are telling you. (fear of success or failure, being embarrassed if you fail, of moving passed your friend.
Look for one of the 10 emotions or messages of information in each emotion that has in further lessons or in the video to see which one you are experiencing or see them here. T. in A. C. T. page 5- is to Train your brain to a new habit of the thought and emotion connection to continue to focus on your goal until you reach it, continue to be aware of any inference with negative thought or emotions that have previously interfered with your success for your goals. Page 8 in the workbook is to place a visual representation of your goal from a picture so that you can anchor the thoughts and feelings about your goal to add another layer of senses to your goal. You are taking charge of your life by taking charge of your thoughts and emotions to direct your life.