Hello I am Shahzad and welcome election number 19. Today's we are going to discuss about the posts. How can you show the post in a specific page that are suppose we have this page and I'm going to save this one. That to elder it's a dummy page if I visit this page, so as you can see we are using the sidebar and also some text and removing this text updating. Now fresh the page showing us the left sidebar and nothing is the right side and added to this page and the front end editor which is a visual composer, Page Builder. Now, let's suppose you have a lot of posts.
So click on the post, all posts, you have similar posts 123456 you have six holes. So click on this one and now you want to You have the recent post by the WordPress and you also have the portholes and post. So this is the option the team is providing you. You can also use the WordPress option so as you can see you are seeing recent polls, number of posts, you want to show the five disable post date. You can also disable this one you can also add ID and number. I'm saying show that date also click on the Save fine.
So as you can see, it's showing us the recent post 12345 You can also I'm saying 10. So it's showing us 123456 posts and you are saying 10 because six posts available not 10 so that question is the six post and now added to this recent post, click on the display posted You can also display the ad save Changes chronometer can see you showing you the dates. Now, it's not showing you the images or something like that. So, this is the useful functions or the functionality if you if you think that you want to use the images, remove this one class and go to the photo, definitely you have the post. You can see supposed recent You can also find the stuff post here. Okay, click on this one.
So depends on the functionality or the team. So as you can see, this team is providing us some functionality, right your titles here, you can also write, it's a standard, Read More link, or post meta read more button site images and post status by default. It's a standard August it's a standard am saying show me the eight post category Post images as you can see is showing you the images, posts with images. Now you can also hide the images by uncheck this one, as you can see, it's now showing you without the images, I'm saying show me with the images post matter. That means with dates and also the year and also as you can see, the length of the string is 20. As you can see, it's 20 if I'm saying show me the five, five as you can see now showing me the five land.
Okay, now I'm saying 20 Show me the items for if you accessing this page on desktop by using your desktop show me the fourth. And if you are accessing this one, show me the three and four, mobile two. And this is a one drop. If you if you are saying, show me the second. So you define what I'm saying one rule is fine. Now click on the slide options, change, slight configurations.
You can also show that Neff as you can see, fine. So it's now showing you the navigation bar. And you can also set the top middle and the bottom. So as you can see, it's showing on the top, I'm saying bottom showing you definitely showing you the bottom. So it's really depend upon your theme functionality. I'm saying just hide this one.
So if you are using the animations, you can also use the images sectors. So in this way, you can show all the polls in a specific page. So the portal team and we have discussed about the functionality the mobile team is providing if you have some other teams definitely you may have some other options or some other functionalities. So I think this is not for rain and extraction we are going to cover some other things. If you have any question or confusion you can direct send us the email or the message you definitely have our WhatsApp message or you can also send us an email link.