Hello I am Shahzad and welcome to lesson number 10. Today we are going to discuss allow the contact, contact us page. So now we'll go visit website click on the we have to type off contact us pages one, this one and the second one is this. This is the Contact Us page. And this is another changes around data advanced. So these two pages are available on their homepage section also even also.
Now I'm going to choose this one. If you click on the added with page builder, what you do is you'll composer now, definitely you have two sections here, you have one row and the sixth column and the sixth column. Okay, fine, but click on this one. As you can see, you've seen Contact Us form. Now the form is the Contact Us basic. Okay.
Now, you cannot edit this form here. So what you need, just need To go to the dashboard, I'm going to close all the tabs. So, you can easily understand now go to the contact section, contact forms, find this form, which is the Contact Us basic. So, contact us please basic added to this one. Now, this is the form and layout of the form like this fine, you have name, email, subject message and a submit button. So, this is the name this is the AMA, this is the contact and also this is the method and this is the submit button.
They are using the grid system here. We have discussed that roof system so this is the row. This is the column and these are the content if you're not familiar With the classes of the bootstrap, so call LG, so just ignore this one. If you're familiar with the quarter bootstrap, then definitely you know very well about this form. Okay, now go to the contact section. This is the contact section.
Just fill this form, I'm saying, if you click on this message, it will definitely show you the error because these fields are required. The static means required, I'm saying subject is testing. And the message is this one click on this. So I think there was a error trying to send this email the call, you have to configure your email. So click on the email. Now as you can see, currently, it's showing the empty.
So now here, you have to use the email copy This one and this one, I'm going to send the email to this person who is filling the form. That's why I'm using this one. And now I'm saying no reply at inch insurance heaven.com objectives is Qt and now I'm saying message body. Hello. Or I'm saying I'm closing with paragraph or I'm simple writing from e commerce. Okay.
Now I'm saying thank you. Thank you for the contacting us or something you message goes here and for last you are saying regards dot com or something like that. I'm saying use the HTML. If you are using the HTML tags here, you have to click on this one. Otherwise you don't need to click on this one. Now, save this problem.
Now refresh the page to your form with the email. I'm seeing testing send the email or seeing the evolve something wrong because you have to configure your domain like this. Okay, now it because this is not the domain if I'm saying localhost Just click on this trash, sand. Okay, because it's not sending the email, why you have not connected with your domain. So that's why it's not sending to have to use the email here. Because whenever your customer receive your email, then definitely it's your duty to tell you that which person sent this email.
Like if I go to the digital SWAT team on the contact and now Writing the necessary fields click on the submit button. So now as you can see you're saying thank you for contacting us go to the email and definitely you have received the email. So now as you can see, I have received two emails is acuity, make sure I have submitted this form that's why you're saying hello person shaggy because this is the admin. And this is the Curie, as in thank you for contacting is our representative will contact you and off have fun. Okay, so in this way you can configure your email for the contractors, you also have two emails, you're sending this email to the client who three will form and you definitely send the other email to the admin. Okay now.
Fine, then definitely. You have the Other content or other sections, you have this column here, and you have the text block. You can change the text block here. And definitely you have the heading here. You can also change the heading here, some text, and this is the editing. Fine.
Just click on the sections and change whatever you want to change. It's really dependent on you say Berlin. Now, what about this man? Make sure this is the row and they have stretched the row and the content also there so it's bigger than the size of the natural page. Okay, now click on the portal google map. So I'm thinking 100% hide this one.
Was to the high 400 high and the roadmap if you click on the satellite save it we show you that satellite view. If you say if you click on the hybrid, it will show you the hybrid if you click on the Talon Okay, so slowly depend upon the functionality of the team. So you are limited to your longitude may soon and also you have some other functionality. You have this your office because you have the New York office you can edit this information to here. You can also add it to the marker. You also have the few Advanced Settings, styling and you have a general settings.
Okay, so this is the homepage. Now you are familiar with the home page now you don't really well that how can you customize the pages version pages. So I hope you're in During this series, if you think we are doing good, feel free to share our courses and our celebrities. Thanks for watching.