Hello Adam Shahzad and welcome to lesson number 16. Today we are going to discuss about the column options available in the row. So this is the About Us page as you know. Now, click on this column because we have a single column for this row, click on this one, we are editing now the column, even the responsive options. So now as you can see, it's showing us different kind of options. You can either use the columns from here, let's suppose I'm saying I'm using the 12 column for this particular row.
Now if I'm saying I'm using only the sixth column for this row, click on this one. Click Save close as you can see, now we are using the row here. Okay, we are using the column as a six column. So it's really a different one. I'm saying I'm using the one column. It's fine.
You can also Use, you can also create or set up your columns from the portfolio. Okay now just click on the Edit Column. Now click on the responsive now as you can see you have your large screen, you have your tablet and you also have your small devices. So you can see these are the devices. So this is the responsiveness. Okay, now I'm saying whenever someone access this page about a space from the small device, I want to hide this our story sections.
So just click on the hide options because I I want to hide this options in the small devices. Save, close update. Now open your About Us page. This outer space as you can see, I have the largest It's working fine. But when I click on the small device so this is iPhone success is a small device, click on this one. So now you can see I have just hiding my content.
So this is our story is not appearing here. It's totally depend upon you. Let's suppose this is a tablet this click on this one. So as you can see our story is now appearing here. Let's suppose you want to also hide this in the tablet. So you can see this is a tablet, click on this one and also this one.
Save this one. Now once again, refresh your page, but you have to refresh your page. We have just changed the page. So that's why click on the extension. Now as you can see, this is a tablet version, click on this one Now as you can see, it's now not showing you the sections because you have used the high functionality for the responsiveness. Now, remove this one.
It's now added your column again responsiveness. Okay now if you say that if someone access this About Us page, you want to convert your columns by using the PGP keys. If you are not familiar with the media queries properly, let's suppose this is the 12th column, not XYZ is actually a 12 column. And you are now saying if someone access this page on the small devices or by using the small devices, just convert this 12 column from 12 into two, okay, now, as you can see, by default, the width is 12. Now you're defining the word is to whenever someone says this by using a small device. So save, close and update.
Now refresh the page. As you can see, it's now working fine, but what happens when someone access this are using a small device. So, this is a small device. So now as you can see, you are converting your column from 12 to two columns, as you can see, this is a two column you are you are struggling depends upon you and the your requirement. So how can you customize your columns? How can you hide your columns?
How can you convert your column from the larger the smaller Escorial depend upon you? So now you're familiar with the columns How can you customize your columns I hope you are enjoying the series. If you think we are Got it. Feel free to share our courses and also the videos. So thank you