In this video I'm going to show you how to play the major scale for position number four. Okay, for the first example, I've chosen C major position four. So we're going to start here on C, which is on your fifth string, third fret and it's going to go 123 456-712-3456 654-321-7654 321-765-5671. More time 1234567 123456 coming back 65432176543 to 17655671. That was how you play a C major scale fourth position. All right, for our second example, I'm going to show you how to play F major scale position number four.
So we need to find F on the A string, just right here, which is the eighth fret and we're going to go 123 456-712-3456 654317654 321-765-5671 more time 1-234-567-1234 56543217654 321-765-5671 that is how you play an F major scale position number For and for the third and final example, I'm going to be showing you how to play an A flat major scale fourth position. So we just need to find an A flat. This is your a string, your fifth string and so we know that open is a and the 12th fret here is a as well on there double dots. So then that means a flats gonna be right here and it's gonna go 1-234-567-1234 566 543-217-6543 217-655-6711 more time. One 234567 1-234-566-5432 1-765-432-1765 5671 and that's how you play the major scale for position number four.