In this video, I'm going to show you how to play the major scale for position number five. For the first example, I'm going to show you how to play a B flat major scale position five. So we need to locate where is where's A B flat on the sixth string. It is right here on the sixth fret. So also on the sixth fret of the first string, or on the eighth fret of the fourth string. Me personally, I like to, and also it's right here as well as a B flat as well.
But me I always like to start it but based off the six string, so I just locate on the sixth string and then I play the scale and it goes 1-234-567-1234 5671 coming back, it's gonna be one 765432 1-765-432-1766 711 more time 1-234-567-1234 56711765432176 543-217-6671 and that was how you play a B flat major scale fifth position for the second example I'm going to be playing a D flat major scale fifth position. So I need to find where D flat is. I know C is here and d is here. So if these here on the 10th fret and D flat would be on the ninth fret. So we're gonna start there with my pinky and it's going to go 1-234-567-1234 5671 calling back 176543 to 1-765-432-1766 711, more time 12345671 234-567-1176 5432176 543-217-6671 that's how you play a D flat major scale, fifth position. For the third example of position number five, I'm going to be playing it out of the key of E. So I just need to locate e on my E string, my sixth string, and happens to be right here on the 12th fret where my double dots are.
So it's going to go 123456712345 6711765432 1-765-432-1766 711 more time it goes 1-234-567-1234 5671 coming back 1-765-432-1765 432176671 That's how you play the major scale for position number five