In this video, I'm going to show you how to play the chord tones for position number two. Here's how you play the major chord tones for position number two, out of a key of A. So what what what I do is I really want to find I need to know where the one is the root of the scale, I need to know where the a is. So what I usually do is I think of where it is on the sixth string. And I just go up two frets and over two strings, that tells me where my my root is, because I typically in such starting down here on three and going 3571, I think you should really always start on one to help train your ears to hear like the triad or the arpeggio 135. So I think when you practice these, you always want to start on one.
There are the root is also on the second string right here on the 10th fret, but I would start on this one, and here and these are the numbers because 135 71331753753 and normally what I tell students is when you, when you get down here to three, go back up and go 3571 a lot of my students want to go 17531 which I'm not opposed to, but that's kind of going down into position number one. So I suggest just practicing, coming down to the C sharp, the third here and then going back up 3571 that way you're kind of starting and stopping on the same note. So one more time, those are 135713 coming back, 317531753 and going back up 3571 Those were the chord tones for a major position number two. Okay, now I'm going to show you how to play the chord tones for E major position number two.
So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to I need to find my e on the D string, which is right here. I can do that easily by playing my six string open, that's E, going up two frets, and then over two strings. That's a real quick way for me to locate where the root of the scale is. So it's going to go starting on this E here is going to go 135713 coming back 317531753 going back up 3571 more time 135713 think coming back 317531 753357 that's how you play the chord tones in second position for the key of E. All right, that's how you play the chord tones for D major position two, you find D here, up on the sixth string 10th fret, I go up two frets, and over two strings. I right here at this D, that's going to be the one it's going to go 13571337 531-753-3571 more time 13571337 531-753-3571 and that's how you play the chord tones for position number two.