The results are given in a range because FIFO is still relevant and revealing too much about this proprietary system. However, the range is fairly tight and you can clearly see the incongruent impacts of the different actions. Now before we go further, I have to make this clear, your own particular results may vary. People with the same credit score can have very different credit profiles, more or fewer accounts, a different mix of accounts a longer or shorter credit history, use of more or less of their available credit and so forth. Because of these differences, the same action let's say maxing out a card can have a different effect on people with the same score, depending upon the details of their individual credit profiles. The fica assumed both people have several major active credit cards as well as mortgage a car loan and student loans.
But if we take a look at this, we see that the In every case, the effect of a derogatory information on a higher score is greater than that of a lower score. And the greatest disruption in your score has to do with bankruptcy. Now let's be fair. A person with a 780 score is probably not going to file a bankruptcy. person with the foreclosure again, it's probably not going to affect a person with a 780 score. But you can see for example, a 30 day late payment is going to drop you if for example, a person with a 780 score had forgotten to make a payment without a town.
There was a bank snafu. So we're looking at a 90 to 110 point drop on a 30 day late payment where the effect on the 680 score is Gotta be 60 to 80 points effective, let's say on a 580 score is going to be in the 30 point range. Now if you maxed out a credit card for whatever reason this can happen to anybody at a 780 score a 680 score, you maxed out a credit card, your score drops significantly more for a person with a 780 score on a six than on a 680 score.