Hello, in this Java programming video, we are going to take a look at comments. Comments are immensely important not just in Java, but pretty much in any programming language. And though they're actually so important, one, they don't actually improve your application in terms of it running at all. And to is something that people, you know, just ignore a lot of time they just overlook it mainly because of, you know, point one that they don't actually improve your application. Once it's, you know, working on running, having extra comments, and that does not actually make a difference. And the compiler actually removes the comments.
So having them they're not the actual final compiled application won't even have them in there. But why they're so important is one. It allows you to describe code and what it does. anyone thinking? Why would you want to do that? I wrote the code So I know what it does two things.
One, you may know it does now, but you might revisit it in six months time a year or less a year later. And you might not hold it, especially when he was a bit comp, if it was a bit complex, or if the code was really bad. Maybe it was, you know, like an amateur at the time. And now, you know, you're like john Carmack, you know, do pro level coding, and you just look anything? Why would I ever done that? And you'll just help explain stuff.
The other thing, you may not always look at your own code that obviously the GitHub where all the code from the series is. And without having stuff like comments, we mean, you know, this sort of stuff, it'd be very difficult to figure out what the code actually does. So it's just a really cool, concise way of describing the code. The other thing that's really good for is something called commentary. A code. And that's basically when you comment out the code, that code won't run.
The reason you would do that if you're tested and you don't want to delete that particular block of code a, because you don't want to actually delete it, you want it you know, still there so want to quickly see what that did to maybe you're scared that ladies epic algorithm that you've just done might get deleted, if method the application the ID crashes, and carbon mortar honestly just happened to me before. And so let's dive in and have a look at what comments are will help you. So this is a comment. So there's two ways of doing a comment in all languages including Java, and then a single line comment which is like this. So for lesson two for slashes, dot per space you can write to the input often says hello Nita and say this is the name method. So this will run fine.
This will run a, okay. And that's just because you know, some method ronk small, you know, Eclipse, I can tell, actually as built in check for like words as well. So it keeps it pretty cool like that. So that's one way of doing it. Obviously, you can combine different say, this is a single. This is a print line.
Okay, pretty cool, just explained it. And now thing is multi comment, because if I click Enter, and I do that, this won't, you know, it's already given me a warning or an error. And it's because this is a single line, comment anything after the two fourth lashes on that same line, or comments, and they won't get compiled into the final executable. But if you let's say you're describing something a bit more complex. You can easily call like a multi line conversation, do slash Asterix, everything has been commented out now and to end it is due to end it is actually just Asterix for slash. So I wanted to show you that.
So first let's get rid of that and exceed that is fine. So with Eclipse, it actually adds the last one. These intermediary ones aren't necessary. It's just more for formatting. So just bear that in mind. I'm here to say this is awesome.
Hello, I am awesome. And you Oh, awesome. That's a multi line comment combinate code. You just let you know put the comment and started the line. So far. Man, that code is no longer executed.
And you could do with a motion uncommon as well. So you could do something like so obviously evil won't allow you to get past this because he or get to the next no available end comment. So if I were to, let's say, duplicate these lines, print it just to show you the result, and if less Alice wants to see what it looks like without the comments, and without these without the lines, before slash Asterix, Asterix for slash and so who want to know this will have been printed out so the only one that's printed as exists because it's not on a single uncomment or within a multi line comment block. And these comments can go anywhere they can go before class. So awesome application, and I'll show you that it's still run. Like I said, Comments are actually removed at the compilation stage.
So it doesn't really matter where you put them. That's it comments really useful. I think that a lot of people will overlook and then probably regretted six months down the line when they look at old code I know I have. So that's it. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. And as usual, I look forward to seeing you in the next video.