Developing your emotional intelligence may seem to be very, very difficult. When people are making changes in their emotional intelligence, they often assume an all or nothing mindset, a dramatic change in their behavior or stay as they are. However, there is an alternative, the 1% solution, identify something that will constitute a very small but slight improvement. So work on it, work on it every day to make it an unconscious habit. As time goes by, the small improvements accumulate, and you suddenly find a very big gap between how you were and how you've improved. What Small changes can you make?
What are you going to do differently? What will the impact be? A good example is when you arrive at work say good morning consistently to particularly person. Over time, you'll notice a shift in their attitude and behavior. And this will affect your attitude and behavior. You'll also notice people who make slightly better decisions on a daily basis and those who don't.
Making the changes requires repetition and rehearsal over weeks. It doesn't matter if you mess it up. Just try it.