Welcome back everyone in this video we are going to continue right where we left off in last one. This one, we're going to be focusing on creating some bindings for our black magic skills. And we're going to be focusing right over here on the image first, and then we'll do the manual costs. So first things first come over into your hierarchy because it's a little bit easier to select the appropriate widget. We're going to select this be magic underscore image, this is going to be the image that we want slotted into this particular piece of art. And over in the details section under the appearance brush section here is where we want to click this bind button.
And we want to create a brand new binding. That's going to jump us on over to the Designer tab. And we're going to stretch this out just like we did before and of course I Do want to give this function a brand spanking new name because that name is pretty hideous. So I'm going to come over to the function section hit f2. And I'm going to call this get be magic for black magic image. And this is going to be very similar to what we just did.
So we're going to right click Get Player Character Drag off of this and cast to BP player hooking in our execution wire like so. And now we need to extract some information from our BP player out of this as BP player pin. First one we're going to look to extract is our fireball attributes get fireball attributes. gonna drag off again. I'm going to look for electro spark attributes. Drag off again.
I will look for blood lust attributes And then drag off once again and this one is going to be arc blast attributes that's a word I have a hard time saying that Arctic arctic blast Yeah, not too good at that one. Okay and then we're going to drag off one more time off of the SBP player and we're gonna search for be magic slotted get the magic slot it's so over in our BP player that we were in a little bit in the last video I showed you the under the player info we had a W magic slotted enumeration variable type that was for a white magic enumeration. We also created this be magic slotted variable of the E be magic variable type this enumeration that we created earlier. We'll come back to this in just a little bit when we test this out. So jumping back to my w BP HUD.
I want to position this down below And then off of our ob magic slotted I'm going to drag off of this and do a search for that select node. Now again, like before, I can't just plug these straightaway into the Select node because each of these particular variables contains variables inside of it, and I need to get to those. So I'm going to drag off of my fireball attributes first, and I'm going to say break. If I can spell break appropriately break the structure magic attributes, just FYI, if you did not want to have an extra note out here. Another way to get at these variables inside of here is you could right click on this pin right here. And you could split the struct pin and it's going to give you the exact same information that this particular breaking of the magic attributes would give you.
You can see name icon, slate, etc. However, I prefer usually keeping these combined and then breaking them off into a separate node like that. The same information though. So I'm just going to right click on any of these pins back on my electro spark attributes, and I can recombine the struct pin. So to two different ways to get at this information. And the one I'm looking for is the icon slate I want to extract from my fireball attributes, what is the icon slate associated with my fireball attributes.
And I'm going to plug this into the input of my select node. And just to drive home this point over here, my BP player under my fireball attributes variable, if I select that, that's the guy we're talking to. We are saying that, hey, this is the icon slate, this is the image that we want to show over in the HUD when we have slotted in our fireball, black magic skill. So with that, I'm going to simply select this node back here in our web pH, or w BP HUD Ctrl C Ctrl V, and we can hook the rest of these up. In a similar fashion Ctrl V, for bloodlust icon slate goes into the bloodless input. And then Ctrl V one more time to paste another copy of that break node.
Plug that into arctic blast and I'm going to try to move these all into position here so that eventually I can create it so you can pause the video if need be. So you can see where all these wires are hooking in. I'll create a little reroute node here. Okay, and we do need something to plug into none. So if you remember earlier in the variable section, we created this magic empty variable, I can simply drag and drop this onto the none so that if we don't have any of those magics slotted as our black magic, we're going to show this black circle. Okay, then I'm going to take the return value here and plug it into the return value input of my return node.
And then make sure you got this execution wire in like so. So, trying to bring this all into view here in case you want to pause the video. This is the setup we are going to have for binding an image to our black magic HUD. Alright, let's jump back over to the designer view, we're not quite done yet, we do need to create a binding for our Black Magic Man. So you can select it here a little bit easier to select this guy from the viewer. Or you can come over into the hierarchy and select be magic underscore man across and right to the right of where the text is listed in the Details panel, select this bind button.
We're going to create a another binding here. That is going to jump us on over to the Graph tab and prompt us to make a new function. And you're getting used to this now creating some space between these guys. Right Let's rename this function right away. So I'm going to select that function hit f2. And we'll call this get be magic mana cost.
And just like we've been doing, I'm going to right click Get Player Character, which character specifically? Well, we can drag off in this return value and do our search for our BP player casting to the BP player. And then we can extract some information from our BP player. And here we still want to drag out our fireball attributes. So I'm going to drag off as VP and I'm going to do a search for fireball attributes. And then I'm going to drag off of here and do a search for electro spark attributes and another for blood lust attributes One more time this one for Ark tick blast attributes and then one more time for our be magic slotted and as we did before, I'm going to drag off of my be magic slotted here bringing a select node.
And how about I bring in a reroute node right away as well because I know I'm going to be needing that kind of snake around the rest of these nodes. And now I will start back at the top here with our fireball attributes. I'm going to drag off of this and say break. And I do need to click this little drop down arrow to get to the man of cost. So the man of cost from our fireball attributes is going to plug straight into the fireball input of our select node. And that changes these all you'll notice, this is kind of a good concept to note here that when I plug in, in this case Float input into the Select node.
Note that they're all gray by default. The moment I plug in one of these, it says okay, all right, you want to select some float values do you and it changes all the rest of these inputs to match. And it also changes the output the return value to be a float as well. So the moment you plug in a certain data type, it changes all the rest of the Select node to be that same data type. Okay, with that, I'm going to select our break node right here I'm gonna hit Ctrl C Ctrl V to paste this a few times and make sure I hook all these in appropriately. Our electro spark man ACOs Control V that again, we will have our blood lust man ACOs and then Control V again for our arctic blast, man accost.
Let me just select this little reroute node kind of move this on to this This should make it nice and neat. And I will take the return value here, I am going to drag off of this and say around. We're going to round that float into an integer. And then I'm going to take this integer and plug it right away into our return value to convert integer into text. And then I'm going to make sure that I finish off this hook up like so. So let me try to fit this guy into view so you can see what that all looks like.
All right, and we can actually test this out. So let me Compile and Save here. And if I jump into my BP player, and I select my B magic slotted variable, let me just change our B magic slotted let's assume that I now have the fireball equipped. So now if I jump in and play over in the right place You can see that I've got my fireball image and I've got that man ACOs listed appropriately as well five I must have left my white magic slotted image in there as well because that is appearing but you can see that that is working so I'm gonna go back and change my be magic slotted to be none. And my white magic slide is currently set the time so I'm gonna set that to none as well. Alright guys with that I'm going to Compile and Save over here.
That is going to do it for our HUD bindings for the time being. Job well done. We will see you in the next video.