Welcome back everyone. In this video we're gonna be working on creating a macro to help us indicate which magic we are selecting now, in the last video and in the next few videos. Again, we're working towards a system whereby we can show which one of these magic selection magic skills we've got highlighted so that we can then slot it into our HUD in the upper right when we have selected it. Few things to put in place to make this happen. In the last video, we created some functions. And this one we're going to be creating a macro to help with this selection.
Now I am in the older version of this project that I created in preparation for this course and I'm just going to show you what we're going to be building in this video. Now over in my Graph tab. I have created a macro do right here macro, a macro called select magic and this is the monster script that we're about to build. Now, it looks rather intimidating, but honestly, it's not nearly as scary as it looks, there is a lot of copying and pasting. And truth be told we could simplify this quite substantially based on your own needs. If you are not using a controller, there's a lot of things you don't need to do here.
So just letting you know ahead of time because there is a lot of script to do here, we're probably gonna break this macro out into two separate videos, just so we can fit it in in our time constraints, I got to make these in less than 20 minutes. So here we go. I'm going to exit out of this project and I'm going to jump into my existing project, the one that we are currently putting together just to make sure we're all on the same page. Make sure you're in your content Metroidvania widgets folder, and double click on w BP be magic menu. And we're going to be hopping on over to the Graph tab if you are not already over there, once in the Graph tab over in the middle Blueprint panel find your way on where you've got this macros section that is below the function section in the My Blueprint panel, we're going to create a brand new macro and this one is going to be called select magic.
That's a file name and the reason we're going to be creating a macro instead of a function even though inside of this macro we're going to be doing some evaluations much like a function can do we want to have multiple execute out pins in this know this macro know that we're about to create a function node cannot have multiple execution out nodes. So firstly, select our input node here with our select a magic macro created. We're going to create one input so click this plus parameter over in the Details panel and we're simply going to Call this well what should we call this, let's just call it exec in executive in like so Whoops, I really want to capitalize the in and now you can see that added there are output for this node. We are going to select that and create some output pins and we're going to create five of them.
So let's click this 1234 and five times and it's scrolling a little bit off the bottom of the screen. I do want these all to be execution out pins, and I will name them thusly. We have let me scroll over to my page notes because obviously I've got a lot of notes for this one. We have no magic selected. We will have fireballs selected we will have electrosmog barque selected we will have blood lust selected. And we will have Arctic arc.
Dick PLAs selected I always spell Arctic wrong. Okay, so what are we going to put between these two nodes? Well between these two nodes is where we're going to put all of our evaluations to determine which one of scrolling my timeline here which one of these different magics we are intending on selecting, and thus we should highlight. Okay, so let's jump back to our Graph tab. Make sure you've got a healthy amount of space between your input and your output node here because a lot of space is going to be needed off of our input node. Let's add a branch right away.
You can hold down the B key, left click and that'll add a branch node nice little shortcut there. And for our condition here, we're going to be evaluating a lot of stuff. And not just one condition, but rather many things. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to right click, and I am going to type in and Boolean I want to check if a whole lot of things are true or false, not just one thing, many things, and N and Boolean can do that. So I've got two input pins currently, I want to have 12 total. So click this add pin button 10 more times so that we have 12 of them total.
That's 456789 and 10. And then we're going to take the output of this Boolean that's going to be our condition. Now what is going to be plugged into this and node right here. Firstly, let's right click Let's type in Get Player Controller add one of these, and then out of the Player Controller, I'm going to Drag off the Return Value and type in his input key down. Once we grab our Player Controller, we can find out if they are pressing down on a certain key. Now that does not mean just a keyboard key could mean a button or direction on a controller as well.
Specifically, I've got three in mind here. To check if we are holding down trying to select our fireball skill. I'm going to set our key here to be keyboard, D, the D key. Now why the D key because if you're using the w a s and D keys, jumping back to my Designer tab here, and if I was to see all my skills here, the fireball is going to live in this spot right here. So I'm saying if the D key is down, they would be trying to Select that in this case over in our Graph tab, we're going to be asking not if that key is down, but if the return value is not down, so drag out of the return value and you want to type in not, you're looking for a not Boolean, and then plug that right in here. Okay, then what I'm going to do is I'm going to take these two nodes, left click, drag out a marquee selection, hit Ctrl C, and let's Control V once and twice.
And this is where if you are using a controller, you're going to want to follow these steps. If you're not using a controller, you can ignore these steps. We're going to make sure our Player Controller is plugged into all three of these. We're going to check to see for this middle one if gamepad I'm going to do a search for it's a little bit easier. The gamepad D pad is pressed to the right. That's kind of the equivalent of pressing D on a keyboard.
Now, we're essentially saying are you pressing over to the right? Likewise over here in this is input key down over here, we're going to change this key to be left thumbstick, left thumbstick, right, are you pushing your left thumb stick over to the right, not meaning you are not doing that. Make sure each of these is hooked into an appropriate input node on your giant and node here. Okay, so all of these three are going to be checking if we're trying to push over to the right to select this rightmost slot right here, which is going to be occupied by our fireball skill. So I'm going to left click and drag back over here in our graph, select magic macro around all these three, tap that C key, and I'm just gonna type in fireball right here, trying to indicate that this There we are trying to see if we are not selecting the fireball.
Okay, now with this whole section created, we can do some more copying and pasting. So let's left click and drag around all of this, hit Ctrl C, then kind of come on down, we're going to control V once, control the twice and control V a third time so that you've got kind of four of these sections. Now this next section working down, we got fireball appear. This next one, I'm going to rename to the electro Spark, we're going to check to see if we're selecting or rather not selecting, pushing in the direction of our electoral spark skill. So what I need to do now is change out what keys I'm checking if we are not pushing down there. So for electro spark that is going to be do need to move my animation slider over here, our electro spark skills going to live over here on the left hand side.
So I need to check his input key, not D down but keyboard a because that's essentially pushing left on using the w a s and D keys. For you controller people out there, I need gamepad, D pad, gamepad D pad, D pad left. And for the thumb stick on a controller, I need a left thumb stick left thumb stick left. Now it's really easy to make a mistake in here. So you might want to double check all these as we're going through it just to make sure they're all nice. Gonna make sure all these three are plugged into our And notice, Well, again, this first branch is doing an evaluation to see if all of these are not selected.
I mean, all of them, everything we're plugging into this we're seeing are they all not selected? Okay, for this third group down here, this is going to be our blood lust, skill. And looking back over the Designer tab, the bloodlust skill is going to occupy this topmost slot. So what key Are we going to check on a keyboard? Well, it's not going to be the D key is going to be the W key for using the w a s and D keys. We're gonna be also checking for you controller guys, D pad D pad up.
And for the left thumbstick we're gonna check if the left thumbstick is up. And then let's make sure that we plug all of these into our and know As well, it looks like I need to add some more pins down here only added 10 pins haha foolish me need to add two more pins to accommodate our last one here. So that's blood loss moving down the line here. This next group I've got arc tip Arctic arctic blast I can never spell that right is input key down So looking back at our Designer tab, our arctic blast here is going to occupy this bottom slot right here. So for the w a s and D keys, we're gonna be checking for keyboard that would be the S key s for the GamePad D pad that would be D pad down and for the left thumbstick that would be left thumb stick down and let's make sure all These are plugged into our giant and node.
Okay, and then zooming back a little bit, this is what we've got put together so far. So again, this first evaluation is we're finding out is it true that all of these keys are not being pressed down? Or is that false or any of them being pressed down? Okay, so with that, let's Compile and Save from here and call this video Good. Obviously more work to be done in this macro. But we'll take care of that in the next video.
We'll see you there.