Hello and welcome back. In this video we're going to be talking about WordPress categories and tags. WordPress makes it easy for you to manage your content by specific topics. This not only makes it easier for you to manage your content, but it also makes it easier for your audience to find the information that they're searching for. One of your goal should be to keep your readers on your site for as long as possible. Creating a strategic marketing plan for your categories will not only make your customers happy, but you'll also help search engines like Google and Bing understand more about which artists blog is about.
Most new art bloggers are confused how to properly use categories and tags and WordPress. I was confused too in the beginning but now I understand how powerful they are. Think of categories as the table of contents and a book or a Pinterest board on your Pinterest account. For example, on your artists blog, you can have categories called gallery art techniques, how to buy our policies, you can showcase all of your art for sale under your art gallery category. blog posts that relate to your art techniques can be placed in the art techniques category, and so on. When people land on your homepage, they'll be able to find the information that they're interested in very easily.
Tags are different, and this is where most people start to get confused. Tags are specific words that describe the content of a post, like red rose or painting. White Rose painting pink rose painting tags will make it easy for your readers to find similar content on your blog. The tags are generally located at the bottom of the post. So the categories are on your menu of the homepage and I have a home here, courses, ebooks, tools I use blog, our gallery about and guest blogging. Now if I click onto a post, I'm going to show you what a tag looks like.
If you go all the way to the bottom of the post. You're going to see the tags right here tagged with art marketing. If someone clicks on that, they're going to be redirected to all the posts that are related to that specific word. I want to talk a little about about organizing your content. categories were designed for general groupings of your posts in our the table of contents for your our blog. To help you tell the visitors in search engines what your site has to offer.
There are two different types of categories you can have parent categories and are displayed in the menu bar like the home courses, ebooks, tools, I use blog, and there are also subcategories which can go underneath the main category. For instance blog here, I have broken it down to content, marketing, social Media Marketing, Facebook art marketing and so on. The reader will have the choice to see what the newest blog post is by clicking on the blog link right here. Or they'll have the option to find a specific post from a child category, you will want to take some time to decide on what categories you would like to have on your art blog. Be strategic and plan. Think about your vision and your goals and create categories that will cater to them.
One common mistake I see many new bloggers do is they do not plan they just create categories for any and everything. In time the blog becomes a mess and difficult for readers to navigate through the site. If you don't know how to create categories, visit the WordPress basic course. Or you can become a member and have access to all of the courses for a low monthly fee. And in this way, I will show you how to set up your categories. The main goal for your tags is to make it easy for your readers to To find similar content, this will have your reader stay on your site longer, which will help you to rank higher in the search engines.
The best way to go about this is to generate a list of about 20 words that will best describe your content. Any posts you create can be tagged within one or more of the words that best describe the content. For example, if you create a review post for oil paints, you could use paints, supplies, oil, paints, etc as your tags. Any new posts that relate to these keywords can also be tagged with them. In time, you'll have a list of content your readers can view that relate to a particular subject