Bench dips are a great compound exercise that will target your triceps, chest and shoulders. They are an easier variation of the normal dip, which is done using parallel bars. You can find the tutorial for the normal dips in the written exercise guide. For beginners, I recommend starting with this easier variation. Position a bench or chair behind your back and hold on to the edge with your hands fully extended at shoulder with your legs should be extended forward and perpendicular to your torso with your heels resting on another bench or a similar object. While inhaling lower your body by bending at the elbows until your upper arm and forearm create an angle slightly smaller than 90 degrees.
Bring your torso up again by contracting your triceps and lift yourself back to the initial position. You want to keep your elbows as close as possible throughout the exercise. your forearms should be always be pulling Meaning down, and by placing a weight on your left you can increase the difficulty